Reviews for Almost
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28
Awesome fic! I really enjoyed reading it, I'm so emotional reading this! You write so good!
Lindelas chapter 1 . 10/29/2016
Hurt/comfort at its finest! Gah, Barry's fear and anxiety after escaping is just so raw! It's like what we got in the show after Zoom broke his back, but magnified and drawn out into things like his hunger, and paranoia, and insomnia, and homesickness. I may have teared up a few times!

I love how the other characters were portrayed as well! The idea of Eddie on Earth-2 being married and happy, living in a big, safe house where they can all crash and be safe made me ache! And the scenes with Earth-2 Iris and Barry were really poignant.
TrueLoveExists02 chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
Okay this was absolutely amazing. I don't even know where to start. I think I'm just gonna list all of the things I loved about it because otherwise I feel like I'll forget to say something.
I loved how you have multiple breaks in the writing when Barry was in captivity. It was really effective in creating the terrifying monotony that Barry lived in. Like, life in captivity is boring, but at the same time he can never relax because Zoom shows up to torture him at unpredictable times.
I love that Barry's motivation to finally successfully escape was his family and friends.
I love how you wrote Barry's anxiety. The repetition of "Zoom's Coming" and his inability to eat food because of the association of food with Zoom coming.
I love how Iris is able to calm Barry down when he's not able to sleep. It's the "in any universe" trope that exists between them that I love. No matter what, Iris is always the one who understands exactly what Barry needs.
And lastly, I love your explanation of who the man in the iron mask was before we was. That's what I thought for a while too, that Zoom and Jay were twins and Zoom took over Jay's life. I don't remember when my theory changed, but I wasn't surprised at all at who it ended up being.
Everything about this story is amazing. From the high suspense to the anxiety to the beautiful relief at the end when Barry finally makes it home. So good.
parisindy chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
I just love this story so much
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Thanks for the different ending
keep-swinging chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
Guess who's back and who needs to seriously review some fics? That's right!
So when you wrote this, it took me a few days to get some time to read it and then I did and then I was like speechless for the rest of the day. The pure, raw, emotion you stuffed into this is crazy and I felt everything Barry was feeling. You use certain words and phrases and things at times when they are needed and they always fit perfectly.

And don't even get me started on the e-2 westallen because it was AMAZING. You even mixed in like e1 barry adn e2 iris and it all fit like puzzle pieces. Overall this fic was outstanding and I always enjoy long one-shots like this so that was just an add-on.

Also, as a side note, I just caught up on your pms and to save you more reading I'm going to just say thanks for replying and I agree with you on every standpoint - westallen forever XD.
Now to catch up on your other stuff! :)
Anon chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Extreme kudos. I have been wanting to see this scenario explored. Excellent writing!
tearbos chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
Whew this is a hard read, but it's really good. You captured the feel of the show accurately, so much so that this seems like it did happen in canon. Great work!
Tospringe chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
I knew when I read your short description on tumblr that this fic was gonna destroy me and boy, did it live up to that expectation. I've read this 1.5 times now already (re-read only the part after Barry escaped cause while his captivity was absolutely beautifully written I didn't really feel like reliving the whump) and it's just so beautiful and heart wrenching. Poor, traumatized Barry. Eddie. Oh my god Eddie. The reception when Barry made it back home. Actual home, not just a coping mechanic. Iris and her stoic practicism. All just so touching and perfect. Amazing job, as always :)
diamondred chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
Loved this! When I saw this episode I thought someone has to write a fanfic with that alternate ending. I look forward to reading all your Flash fics - their really good!
Crimson Comet chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
Wow! This is great and I really wouldn't mind another several thousand chapters. The bigger the better, they say. This is just perfect. Good job!
Cap's Best Girl chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I love this, it is so perfectly written and I love the way that you have written all the characters and not just the ones we know and love.
gamma1243 chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
I love this so much! This is amazing! I love the story and how you wrote it and gosh, I wish this had really happened in the show! It would have been awesome!
You're amazing! Keep up the good work!