Reviews for Come Back To Me
Cactus chapter 2 . 6/19/2016
"''Hey, Carrots, we are dealing with something dangerous. Grizzly bears have a bad reputation.''"
I've only gotten so far as chapter 2 but I found myself mildly irked by these lines... and all subsequent lines about dangerous grizzly bears. Well, scratch mildly irked - the general offhand way in which those lines were delivered just miffed me with how, in Zootopia-universe context, low-key or at least middle-key speciest that sounds...?

"Grizzly bears have a bad reputation." - and then Judy just perks up about how exciting that'll be to investigate, no much comment about Nick (of all mammals) basically lumping together all members of a particular predatory species as being some trait unpleasant, let alone without any factual evidence given.
Just "you know, this species is dangerous", note not "this particular crime organization" yet but rather like "This species - and that is Grizzly Bears - they're ferocious, Carrots, as ferocious as Bunnies are meek and Foxes are untrustworthy. And although the word about Grizzly Bears' bad reputation /might/ be true, I am just to bluntly state this either way as if sometime ago foxes didn't have an exceedingly despicable and/or unlawful reputation as a general species as well."

Considering the major cause of character conflicts in the movie and what Zootopia overall is about, I had to say - for what seems to be becoming the primary focal point of this story's plot and its antagonists, it could've been worded/executed more tactfully early on.

At the very least, I know I can't go so far as to wholesomely say this /entire/ story was badly executed... seeing as I have only read up to the second chapter, out of what currently seems to be 15.
For all I know, you may or may not have already reached a similar revelation about the unseemly speciesism demonstrated here and have used that aspect instead as an instrument to further evolve the plot and its characters. You may or may not have proceeded in writing Nick, Judy, and/or perhaps a few other characters, out of their canon temperaments.

And, on another non-story-related note, you may or might not react in a somewhat indignant manner to this review, but I mean no personal offense. What I merely suggest is you take into mind this small portion of my constructive criticism for future reference, if for, say, you were to publish another story involving Nick and Judy (might not wanna write them as OOC low-key bigots or reduce a whole mammal species to the criminals they're no doubt /only portrayed/)... Or just, carry on writing heedlessly as you will for the joy of it - as all writing /should/ be written in fun, actually - be it however a jaded plot that mostly revolves around unremitting angst and flatly-carried bonding & fluffy moments or otherwise... I'll be ending my long comment right here.
(How I do wish this site had a similar commenting system to AO3 wherein people could respond to others despite being sans account.)
Space Jesus chapter 15 . 6/19/2016
sonic on crack actually
Space Jesus chapter 10 . 6/19/2016
This shit is moving faster than sonic
Guest chapter 13 . 6/18/2016
UPDATE please!
story magic chapter 14 . 5/13/2016
this is awesome, cant wait for the next update, maybe just make it clearer when changing POV
lilliemorrison chapter 12 . 4/8/2016
One tiny suggestion. Make the chapters longer.

Other than that this whole story has been wonderful!
GFZootopia lover chapter 12 . 4/8/2016
Question is this Nick x Judy?
Starburst768 chapter 11 . 4/2/2016
Amazing! Update soon!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/25/2016
Love this ! This is great ! Keep going
ktrk5 chapter 9 . 3/26/2016
ktrk5 chapter 7 . 3/25/2016
REALLY GREAT STORY! I'm glad you uploaded so many chapters!
great work
keep going
TheAdamBomb505 chapter 7 . 3/25/2016
Loving this story so far. Kinda nice to see a protective Nick
sur2sur chapter 4 . 3/13/2016
great story so far.
Darkzdragon chapter 2 . 3/12/2016
He shouldve called for backu .
icecold5 chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
this seems interesting. updte soon ;)