Reviews for Of Gods and Demons
Rook chapter 3 . 11/11/2016
I haven't seen princess mononeke in over ten years! This is a great read. I try to read this as an inuyasha fic, but I keep imagining the PM characters instead! But still. I'm enjoying it. Please, do continue.
Griddlebone chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
I have wanted a fusion like this for a long time and I am so glad not only that someone is finally writing it, but that they're doing such a great job of it! I really like the tone you've used in your writing here. It's blunt and matter-of-fact, which fits with the action and tension of what's going on, but also descriptive enough to get the point across without dwelling forever on every little inconsequential detail. Even though I'm familiar with Princess Mononoke and have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!
Shadowwolf1997 chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Not bad keep going
hiraikotsus chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
AAAAHHH RINNE I'M SO EXCITED YOU FINALLY POSTED THIS! I love love love this AU and can't get it out of my head. I love the idea of Miroku in this universe getting a curse that he has to go on a journey to lift... Perfect perfect perfect. And the description of his face as he was leaving was great; "to his credit, miroku showed no signs of grief. he did not crumple under the weight of his impending doom." I am so looking forward to more of this and am overjoyed I inspired such a great fic. 3