Reviews for Sympathy for the Devil
Finwee Lord of Long Winds chapter 47 . 9/3/2017
this has been a pretty interseting story.
An Peepul chapter 47 . 8/1/2017
dosjicdosickjdsiocisajcisajodasicjasioyay! finallychapter29heuiwhdcuaiuhahiushueiedeuw it took me about a month to pick up this story again (after reading it for the 3948392nd time) and when I returned, I was not disappointed! Well... I am kind of disappointed over the fact that it's kind of short, but it's still as good as most of the other chapters. I hope your life gets better, so you'll be able to write more, and add more to this amazing story of yours. I've been waiting for so long for this next chapter, and I'll be willing to wait for a very long time for the next chapter. Keep up the great work.
Avalon and Shayden chapter 47 . 7/14/2017
At long last the silence has been broken. -Avalon and Shayden
FYI, I've made my own au using this story as inspiration. If you're interested in reading it, let me know!
Megiido chapter 47 . 7/14/2017
Oh hey! Glad to see you're back!

Wow, there was certainly a lot of tension going on between the two. And Red doesn't like him either? Geez.

I'm now really curious to see what Aster did to get these reactions. (Did he do something to Dr. Sylph, too?)

Again, it's great to have you back, and I'll never here to see where you take this!

That one guest chapter 47 . 7/13/2017
Know that one guest is still reading and totally isn't too lazy to log into their account that totally didn't follow you and totally wasn't waiting for years and totally wouldn't wait more
A human chapter 46 . 1/4/2017
Absolutely beautiful, the litteral only thing I would change, is I kinda want more Papyrus. Don't think you're posting too slowly, have you ever heard the phrase, 'You can't rush genius'
this fanfic is a prime example of that sentence. If people think you're posting this too slowly, they shouldn't read it. Simple. As. That.
Idea Tamer Chaos chapter 42 . 11/16/2016
When she was crushed in the car crash the baby would have sent stem cells noticing the injury immediately to heal the mother only for the baby to die. So that would be how she survived.

Great story, I really enjoy it.
BadDRUMMERboy15 chapter 46 . 10/22/2016
Knock knock
Who's there
tokyoghoul234 chapter 46 . 10/13/2016
Plz update soon
Emathasks chapter 46 . 10/11/2016
Hey are you... gonna update any time soon? I mean it's been months and you left us on a cliffhanger soo...
Another Peepul chapter 46 . 9/29/2016
Loolcouss chapter 45 . 9/18/2016
Your story hasn't been updated for months. What happened? Did you forget or lose interest. Regardless of the reason, I'll miss 'Sympathy for the devil'. It"ll hold a special place in my heart as the only good undertale fanfic. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you're doing now and I hope to see more of your work in the future.
Lunar Loon chapter 46 . 9/12/2016
* sniffles* Ok... thank you for explaining how Chara feels...

*Rubs eyes before perking up*
I don't really have many question today~

Did Gerson know Chara?

Aster & Gerson have a fair amount of new and old beef don't they?

Oh and thank you for taking the time out of your day to update this~ I really enjoy each chapter that you post~

This chapter was really thought out and I love how you made connections with history in a meaningful way. I really felt Charlotte's guilt, shame, despair, and helpless.

Your a great writer and don't Let anyone else tell you different.

Thank you so much again~
Guest chapter 46 . 9/10/2016
Any tips on how to make a story about undertale without making it look like the characters you made are hogging up the entire show? Basically, how do you make a story about undertale without having the entire story being about your character?

From Ghorix
Guest chapter 46 . 9/10/2016

From Shayden
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