Reviews for Steven Universe Blackthorned
MidnightRose830 chapter 1 . 1/23
Nevermind so you do own blackthron I'll find the first story of it some where so I won't get confused.
MidnightRose830 chapter 1 . 1/23
where does this blackthron family come from? Is it a anime or manga or book or tv show or movie. I really want to know. I think you made it up but then you said you don't own it.I might have watched it long time ago if it was a tv show. I don't remember it so please answer the question so I know where this comes from. I sorry for my bad grammar hopefully you can understand what I'm trying to say.
ton190p chapter 54 . 10/25/2019
wut bout spinel?
Guest chapter 10 . 9/5/2019
Fletcher 7 chapter 10 . 3/5/2019
This is one hell of a story wish we could get someone to make it into a real anime.
Professor Oswin chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
This reminds so damn much of my earlier stories. The voice is just so childish like a proper piece of fanfiction. This story is marked as complete but Has the potential of becoming a series. So whichever route you take, good luck.
Machine king chapter 2 . 2/3/2019
if only Teen Titans go died and Teen Titans got more episodes
Fagbutt chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
That Def Jam reference, holy shit
Vatdiduexpect chapter 53 . 1/22/2019
Oh man you are SO gonna "love" "Change my Mind" if you haven't already seen it - we got Talk no Jutsu, Everyone is Just Misunderstood, and Deus ex Machinas a plenty! :D
DSX62415 chapter 53 . 1/10/2019
Where one journey ends, another begins. It's been a wild ride for both stories, and I wait with excitement to see where these new adventures take me.
Anon chapter 52 . 1/5/2019
I'm sorry, but falling for the SU crit meme is just downright retarded and you're a fool for following/listening to it.
Guest chapter 52 . 12/19/2018
Don't care tbh
DSX62415 chapter 52 . 12/18/2018
Congratulations on your weddings, if your team needs a place to lay low, my version of Tokyo 3 is open.

Also, this missing part doesn't involve a certain fight that's been built up for a while, does it?
ton190p chapter 51 . 12/7/2018
maby a jump fict
where you crossover this crossover with a more perfered show thus you dont have to move on from the effort you put in.
DSX62415 chapter 51 . 11/26/2018
I'm gonna guess that after the Josho fight, Ryker's team is getting put on the back burner.
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