Reviews for Change in Fate
Chrischime chapter 17 . 6/20/2019
Ugh, you cannot just leave us hanging like this! Please finish this story!
Chrischime chapter 14 . 6/20/2019
I love how this story is unveiling. Very interesting twists and emotional turns.
TessaH chapter 17 . 2/12/2019
Oh my what a great story! You definitely need to finish this is very good! You cant leave us hanging there...we need a reunion! Please!
OC fan chapter 17 . 10/13/2018
So glad this was updated, I hope there is more to come soon!
Waltz Turner chapter 17 . 10/4/2018
I am so glad I finally took the time to read this story, it's been on my list for years!

I love it all, regardless of typos, spelling, trama descriptions, love it all! So much ELF!

I do have a few questions:

1. I actually had the original story you posted saved in my PocketFiction archive and inhaled all 93 chapters of it!What are the differences between this one and the original?
2. on the original, ch93 was a major cliffhanger! Come on! So freaking good, where is my sequel?!

I hope you update this version soon, and tell me what happens after the end!

All the best!

Waltz :) chapter 1 . 9/24/2018
yay! please continue..
Guest chapter 3 . 6/21/2018
I read this story when you first posted it an loved it! I wish you would repost it.
jujuone23 chapter 3 . 3/23/2016
Lots of action in this one! Gotta believe Lucas made it 't wait for Nathan to be found :)
darkaccalia520 chapter 2 . 3/23/2016
Great chapter! I remember I read this one the first time around, too. I can't quite remember where I left off, but I'm excited to see where this all goes.

I feel so bad for Kristin...for everyone in the group, actually, but we all know how much it affects her. And she's so right. Where HAS Robert been all this time? And WHY didn't he ever let his parents know he was alive and well? I can't wait to find that one out.

I really loved Ben's emotions as well. So sad! But the dinner for them all was really nice. It's so like Ben to entertain the group with stories about Lucas.

I really loved Kristin's lament to Katie. Goodness knows how right she is, and again, I can't wait to see what the deal is with Robert. That should be interesting.

Oh, gosh, as soon as Hudson came in, I remembered that part. I always loved how he came in all timid. Certainly not our third season Hudson, but he had to start somewhere, so I approve. Of course, his timidness doesn't last long when he tells Noyce to shut up. That was great. :) I really love how Kristin is all, "Tell us who it is!"

So glad they found Lucas, and I LOVE that Noyce told him they were his next of kin. So true!

LOL, the part with Ben leaving Hudson with the bill is seriously the best. I wonder if Hudson will ever get revenge on him for that. I guess only time will tell.

Well done, dear. :)
jujuone23 chapter 2 . 3/22/2016
Did I mention how much I love love love this story?!
darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
First, I'm glad to see you've come back. :)

Second, on to the story. Well, you know me; any story that starts out in Kristin's POV makes me a happy camper. I love the whole premise of rewriting third season, since I've done that a bit myself. And the memorial service situation is always a fun scene to write, even though it's rather sad.

I don't want to repeat myself too much from the last time I reviewed this, but I really love the interactions between all the characters, and of course, the cliffhanger ending is great. I always enjoyed that.

You have greatly improved on your SPAG, so I give you props. However, there are still some things that are incorrect. Now, you know me, and I'm going to proceed to give you tips on how to improve. I'm not sure how interested you are in that, so if it bothers you, tell me to shut up, and I'll kindly refrain. However, please know that means I'll stop reading because it's difficult for me to change my review style, and I'm not the "Good job, update please," sort of reviewer. Also, please know I'm only critiquing you, not your story. I think you're a great person and always will. :)

Anyway, for critique, you write your dialogue incorrectly at times. For example: "Hello, this is a surprise," he looked at her with a confused expression, "but I didn't think you'd be able to come to the party?"

A LOT of people write that way, but it doesn't make it right. In fact, it's very incorrect because 'he looked at her in surprise' is not a dialogue tag. Only dialogue tags would be separated by commas, but an action like this would be its own sentence. So to correct the above example, it would go like this: "Hello, this is a surprise." He looked at her with a confused expression. "But I didn't think you'd be able to come to the party?"

There are also a few missing commas/punctuation snafus, but again, you HAVE greatly improved. I'm just trying to help you improve even more, so again, I hope you don't mind, darling.

So here are the SPAG/suggestions from your chapter:

"That was thoughtful of him," Kristin smiled as she grabbed her belongings, "I had-"That was thoughtful of him." Kristin smiled as she grabbed her belongings. "I had

I suppose," Kristin exited the room with Ben and Katie following right behind her.- I suppose." Kristin exited the room with Ben and Katie following right behind her.

Chief Crocker nodded, "It was the least I could do, for you, for him," the old seaman looked down at a watch given to him by Captain Bridger at the end of his last tour, " I just-Chief Crocker nodded. "It was the least I could do, for you, for him." The old seaman looked down at a watch given to him by Captain Bridger at the end of his last tour. " I just

"I know," Kristin said trying once-"I know," Kristin said, trying once

"You're right about that Doc, but-"You're right about that, Doc, but

He had often mentions- He had often mentioned

could his father really have skipped his own son's memorial. Who was she kidding of course he could.- could his father really have skipped his own son's memorial? Who was she kidding? Of course he could.

Overall, I'm glad to see this back up, and I look forward to reading more and actually trying to finish the story, if you allow me to. Well done. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
I am thrilled that you are starting to post again. Gives me something to look forward to.
jujuone23 chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
Lord, girl, I've missed this story! Got me all teary eyed.