Reviews for Baby Blues
DustyClouds chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
Aaa. No angst. Good.

I've read this long ago and never bothered to review it - might as well do it now so I don't get lazy.

When you said in the author's note that this might be the final chapter in the Othelloshipping series, I almost lost it. No one is more compatible than Ash and Hilda. In fact, Hilda is one of the very few girls I ship Ash with. You write them so well here. I feel satisfied. I never get bored. I hope you haven't lost interest in this ship, or else I might have to chase you down so you can write more of this beautiful couple. :D

You are fantastic. Never stop writing.
seeldewgong chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Aaah, glad this one actually had a little fluff in it.

One line got to me though: "But...I'm not even sure if we're compatible enough... and the rest of the line"

That is a very silly thing for Hilda to say imo because there are more than 10,000 shippings in existence and not one pair is more compatible than Ash and Hilda. :D

That being said, I can't believe you suspect that this might be the last Othelloshipper of this series. I hope you're not implying that you've lost interest in the ship, because as I've said above, no couple has more compatibility than Ash and Hilda! :D

Hopefully I continue to see more Othelloshipping from you in the future and thanks for writing this :)