Reviews for Breaking The Walls
bleachfreak13 chapter 2 . 4/1/2016
Aww that was so cute!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/31/2016
Loved it, I hope Y2AJ can still be a thing in wwe, please wwe if your listening! Ambreigns still on point and I love the incorporation of Barbie
Rainbowflower333 chapter 2 . 3/28/2016
Oh my God! I love it soooo much one of the best I read in here. I love your writing style. And this idea is just. ..Awesome. I tell you dinner is ready since an hour now, but I couldpulled out of this fucking amazing story! Thank you sooo much for sharing it. It's just the right mix of pain, fear, comfort and romance! 333 Some Part I read over and over, because I couldn't get enough! Nice ending 3 Love to read more from this!
Rainbowflower333 chapter 1 . 3/28/2016
Oh no! Don't break him! I really Dissidenten the Wyatts. How realistic you made him talk. It's like he's standing right in front of me. And I want to hit him! Poor AJ, weres Jerico. Hope Part 2 comes soon!
chiara.nei.85 chapter 2 . 3/23/2016
First, I have to say I love the Wyatts being the super villains. ( and I cracked up at Harper's Boo!, sorry about that). I loved every single word of it :)
Mmisery chapter 2 . 3/23/2016
*high pitched squeal* This was so great! Two of my current OTP's together in one fic. This was so sweet. It gave me all the feels and it was so beautifully written. I really loved the whole premise it all went together perfectly.
mayrette.rosario chapter 2 . 3/23/2016
Thank you for writing this, angsty Y2AJ fiction with a side of Ambreigns is always a win. It's a shame it had to take AJ being kidnapped by the Wyatts for Jericho to realize what a jealous jerk he's been. The rescue scene was awesome, especially with Dean using barbie. I love this story, need more angsty Y2AJ fics with a happy ending in my life.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
Love it! Awesome. Love it. Live the thought processes AJ goes through. Instilling fear in him? Brilliant! Oh...and did I mention I love it? ;)