Reviews for Beneath Machinery
antimoony chapter 5 . 5/19/2016
You are a really good writer and have all my support!

Hope you can write what you are searching for, I'll keep looking forward to it (secretly hoping royai because that's who I am, but who am I kidding? I would read whatever this may turn to be!)

Good lucky :D
animika123 chapter 3 . 4/8/2016
I really like this au I also really like how it parallels the actual plot line. Keep writing! I'll still be here even if there isn't any royai.
LostintheDarkEyesandSoul chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
Hello from a new reader! I just started to read your story but I'm already in love with it! The idea of an Android AU is very promising by itself, but your writing style is very very good! So, I'll be waiting for an update!
APH Liechtenstein chapter 2 . 3/31/2016
This seems really nice and well thought-out, although when you talked about Alphonse, did you mean that he had the body of an android? Are there going to be more details on that later?
Blue Teller chapter 2 . 3/31/2016
So far so good. Um... but, to be honest...
Okay, okay, so people have done weirder things before with shipping before (don't make me start on gender-bender or bestiality) and I have to admit, this idea is sort of... cute, in a strange way, even if it's a little bit disturbing. I'm not flaming or anything, I swear! Just hear me out.
Riza being an android isn't that odd itself. It's kind of fitting, actually, concerning her attitude in the series. And her being a robotic helper/protector/secretary/full-time-babysitter for Roy Mustang makes perfect sense in an AU. I like it, to be honest. Mustang is totally in character too. Overall story-wise, this is a great start.
But, of course, Riza the Android falling in love with a human... it's kind of sad. I mean, I get the AI thing. It makes her move "alive" than "machine", and gives her a "soul" in a sense. But it's still sad. Mustang can't really be with an android, can he? Even if the two really do fall in love with each other.
But that's just my opinion. I've read your other stories before and I enjoyed them immensely, so I'm really curious what you're going to do with this idea. Personally, I encourage you to continue - who knows, maybe you'll surprise me and even change my mind about this.
Great job as always. Best wishes,
-Blue Teller
ssadropout chapter 2 . 3/28/2016
I'm enjoying this AU and story. It's so funny (but also appropriate) that Falman (love "Fauxman"!) is an android. I have the germ of a theory about Riza, but I need more data.
writergirl3005 chapter 2 . 3/28/2016
I liked this chapter a lot. It makes sense that Amestris would be more advanced in this verse - they do have Androids after all. With the Royai dynamic, I think it's fine. There are times when Riza seems to come off like Roy's babysitter (which she also does in canon.)

Couple things I'm wondering about. What happened to the original Riza? And how are the Elrics different in this 'verse? (I assume that Al is also an android)

Once again, nice chapter, thank you for writing it and looking forward to another update.
writergirl3005 chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
This is an intriguing premise. I would really like to know how this story progresses. Thank you for writing this and I hope to see more soon.