Reviews for The Inconvenience
SupernaturalNova1981 chapter 1 . 5/19
I totally binged this story too! Loved it from beginning to end. I'd even like to see a sequel, maybe how Nick is an 'adopted' brother to the boys.. I just know that I couldn't put it down, screw the cleaning, that can wait... I'm busy reading! lol Thanks for the wonderful story️
StarStepper chapter 42 . 7/6/2018
Arihawk chapter 42 . 5/9/2017
You are one of the best writers of fan fiction I have ever encountered-if not the best! I can't stop reading your work. Somehow you've found a way to capture these characters accurately while simultaneously making them your own. This story hit the sweet spot of lots of sam!hurt without it feeling repetitive or unjustified by the plot. I loved every second of it, and of everything else I've read of yours so far. Thank you for writing!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/25/2017
I've had this kinda love/hate relationship with your fics (mostly love for such amazing writing). But now I just had to comment because I've been very teary-eyed before while reading your stories but this tops it all (so far at least). I shed a few tears out of sadness durring courtroom scene but I started full on bawling out of relief at the time when almost at the end was revealed that Rufus was the driver. Not to underline Bobby's importance in anyway but that just got to me that there were two familiar faces to Sam.
I can't wait to read this all through and see what happens to that one bitch and our darling Winchesters and then jump right into your newest story.
ThisIsntFiction chapter 42 . 10/12/2016
You have a very unique and interesting way of writing and I enjoy it very much. The medical knowledge was pretty extensive and satisfying, so thank you for this wonderful piece.
beckini chapter 42 . 10/7/2016
EXCELLENT STORY! I could not leave it until I was done completely. You had me on edge, you had me scared, you had me sad, and then had me cheering.
beckini chapter 23 . 10/7/2016
I actually clapped at the end of this chapter!
KodiakWolfe13 chapter 42 . 8/12/2016
This is only the second story I've read by you, but I can already tell that you have mastered the characters that are Dean, Sam, and John Winchester. Seriously. Everyone is so in-character that I occasionally forget that I'm not reading an actual episode from the series. You know what? They should make this an episode for the series! That'd be frikkin awesome! Plus, you've also mastered writing psychopaths and crazy people. Kudos. Haha.

Among other things I loved about this story was the suspense constantly keeping me on the edge of my seat, the bonding between the brothers (3), and this happy ending. Seriously. It's nice to see that the Winchester boys- otherwise known as the fountains of angst -get a happy ending here and there.

Thanks for writing this wonderful story, and I'm so excited to read many others of yours! There's so many I can choose from, and I'm loving how much time it will take me to finish them all.

MysteryMadchen chapter 12 . 5/23/2016
damn straight they have a case, and I really really want Leslie to fry, but I know that's not gonna happen anytime time soon. Thanks again, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 11 . 5/22/2016
OK so they HAVE to figure out soon that Leslie is a slippery snake, real soon I hope, she's so guilty it's dripping off of her. Thanks again, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 10 . 5/22/2016
Looks like Dean is doing better but I hope he baries Leslie very soon! Thanks bunches, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 9 . 5/22/2016
OK so I'm super angry right now, and why, knowing that Leslie turned Sam over to the state, did Dean allow her to find Sam's legal counsel. I should go to bed but I have to see if Sam gets out. Thanks again, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 8 . 5/22/2016
Sooooooooo glad that Dean called his dad, really REALLY hoping that John clues in soon that Leslie is a slithery snake. Thanks again, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 7 . 5/22/2016
WTH? How come they didn't have John be ID'd by the owner, why is Sam in juvy two days later, why didn't John pull him out. Did Leslie actually trip the alarm but make it look like Sam did it? I'm so confused. But can't wait for more. Thanks again, Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 6 . 5/22/2016
Oh no no no no no, she sooo can't get away with her evilness that easy. Onto the next chapter I go. Thanks Nicole. :)
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