Reviews for Shadows and Light
TheSlySage chapter 18 . 6/3
need more
TheSlySage chapter 18 . 5/16
freaking great story just wish there was more
TheSlySage chapter 13 . 5/16
hahahahahhahahaha Rensexual? that was so damn funny
TheSlySage chapter 11 . 5/16
i kind of picture Tiberous as a representation of Mr T with a snout like a wolf lol and puppy ears around his mohawk lol
TheSlySage chapter 4 . 5/16
i died of comedious maximous
Racattack Force chapter 18 . 2/18
There are quite a few stories of yours I'd love to see continued, but this one is definitely at the top of the list. This reivew marks my third time re-reading it.
Grannster10 chapter 2 . 2/8
Lol jaune is such a perv in this hope he's not like this for the whole story but like how he already has training
Lord-Azrael3 chapter 18 . 1/18
Great fic, can't wait for more!
NineYetis chapter 5 . 1/10
Is ginger George Washington?
HamClad chapter 18 . 11/29/2019
Aaaaaah, fuck. Once again, I am reminded why Pyrrah is my least favorite person to ship with Jaune. Everything is shoved aside once she gets her little claws on him.
The Review Guest chapter 18 . 10/22/2019
Reading this story again is like greeting an old friend while they're asleep. I have so much praise for it and an enjoyment for its take on RWBY canon. I hope to see more in the future, and I await your return. Please come back to us, CDG. You're Knightshade's only hope.
BorderLand chapter 18 . 10/16/2019
The omake, the omake! I have no words to explain how funny it was. Ozpin might decide commit suicide when he finds out all it took to stop Salem or join the harem, at this point I doubt he wouldn't be welcomed alongside half of the remnant population.
BorderLand chapter 13 . 10/16/2019
I think I almost passed out due to lack of oxigen at the last part.
AL chapter 18 . 10/2/2019
I know that its been two years, but I agree with the people here: this is a great story.

I hope you do continue. So little is actually good that involves Blake or even Jaune. Yours being the exception to the rule.
WolfeArisen chapter 18 . 9/15/2019
It's a shame that this hasn't been continued in what? A little under two years? A shame. I honestly think it's a really good story, and would love to see more.
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