Reviews for To Reach Without
MpJames chapter 8 . 7/19
Lost interest. Makes seemingly unimportant changes to the story and is extremely long winded about things that could readily be discarded.
Glumski chapter 33 . 6/5
So... I just finished this thing, and as expected I'm pretty crushed that it's over know. But better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, or something like that.

This fic honestly was a pretty wild ride, and yet it somehow steady and wholesome as well. I can't think of many characters more convincing and compelling than Melantha, and that entire gender change thing couldn't possibly be done with more emotional realism. The support cast was strong as well, with a genuinely interesting Susan and Tonks (who seem to be used as caricatures most of the time if at all), Lily and Snape who actually make sense, a wonderfully flawed Dumbledore, and even fantastic OCs. I love your headcanon, and it's gratifying to read how much thought you put into the details. While I'm not much of a nerd when it comes to languages (especially those I hadn't even heard of before), your enthusiasm is contagious! While this story is far slower than those I usually prefer, at no time did I feel bored or wanted to speed things up. Even weirder, while I'm often rather uninterested in whatever emotional drama is going on, it was absolutely fascinating to read about Melantha's inner turmoil (or non-turmoil, I guess, because it didn't feel all that tumultuous, to be honest). And weirdest, I'm not even upset that this story was abandoned at this point. I'm crushed and sad to see it end (or, well, not end, I guess) but pretty happy as well, because you're still going at it, apparently with an even more refined style of writing and fresh ideas.

So, yeah, this was a marvellous read, and I'm looking forward to your other fics as well!
Glumski chapter 7 . 6/1
I don't usually write reviews for intermediate chapters, but for some reason I felt the need in this case. So, this story has been sitting on my readlist for a while; I'd even put in on my eReader months ago. For some reason I never really wanted to begin reading it though; it's kind of long and (possibly permanently) unfinished; it doesn't have all that many Favs; I don't like the whole gender-bending thing all that much (though I do love Fem!Harry). Most of all, I'm following quite a few of your stories though I haven't read any yet, and I was worried that by starting one, I'd see that I didn't like your style of writing, so I'd have to remove a lot of promising fics from my readlist, and no, it doesn't even make sense in my head.
Anyway, I love this. I've read probably a handful of stories with a similar premise, most of which turned Harry into a well-adjusted kickass girl who doesn't mind being an entirely different person after a chapter or two. Which, sure, is an entirely fair premise. I've read what must be dozens of fics where Harry has the token emotional/psychological problem from years of abuse, and pretty much all of them felt kind of odd, like the authors were really trying but didn't really know what to do in that regard. Which is a bit of a dumb thing to say as I have neither any experience with feeling as if I were the wrong gender nor have I suffered from abuse. But despite not knowing squat, I feel like you really do know this stuff, and are incredibly great at putting it into words.
Also, my four years of Latin were a decade ago, but I still do appreciate you going at it the nerdy way. I'm guessing there won't be any Wingardium Leviosa in this story, right? Friggin' finally!
Right, so that's it for my barely coherent note. So far, I like this story a lot. Your style of writing is fantastic, and (as far as can be told at this point) the characters and storyline are as well! I'm very much looking forward to reading the rest of this story in the coming days (before I'll inevitably rage and moan about it being on indefinite hiatus). And I'm very happy that there's some stuff on my readlist that's guaranteed to be a good read!
(I'm also happy that Harry Potter gets to be a pretty girl in a pretty dress, which is just something so incredibly odd to say that it's simply delightful!)
hZJ336bhUEG7cs chapter 33 . 4/23
Well, this was a splendid fic even if it ended on the bitter note many fanfic readers know too well. I had fun reading it, and it's a shame that it never continued, but I think you did a wonderful job either way.
Wolfman217 chapter 23 . 2/7
Na, I'm done. Good fic' ruined by a shity pairing both in the people and the situation, - an unfortunately common occurrence with HP fanfiction - though more the situation in this instance, and given the 'drama/romance' tag it's going to be a major thing.

Just for once, I'd like an author to not go 'lets take this character with serious mental health issues and force them into a relationship thats REALLY not gonna help them and in fact make them actually worse because this is how unhealthy relationships where one person bases insanely fragile mental stability around another person rather than healing properly and being comfortable in themselves are formed because we simply MUST have ANGSTY TEEN ROMANCE!'

Why are people so fucking allergic to no romance drama fic's? Like seriously the fic' doesn't need this shit! There's already enough angst and drama with everything else! Let the girl fucking heal before shoving her into a relationship!

When someone has terrible mental health and the person that wants them bash's down their resistance and is overly fucking pushy is not fucking good! Having someone's bed curtains replaced while they're asleep with loads of flowers put around their bed and then pretty much declaring that they'll definitely going to say yes when they ask them out while being extremely smarmy and smug and creepily flirting with them constantly even when they're clearly fucking uncomfortable is majorly pushy and massively creepy.

She's 15! She doesn't need to start dating her future wife right fucking now! And given Susan's in the character summery and it's a HP fanfic where it's extremely fucking common that Harry (or the equivalent character) ends up being with their pairing forever (i.e to the end of the fic's series and epilogue so forever for all practical purposes) it's clear that it's not just going to be an actual realistic teen relationship, but where they are together permanently.

And it was handling the mental health so well too! But NOOOO, can't let her build herself back up as an independent person, can't let her centre herself on her actual self, can't rebuild her self-confidence in her own person. NOOOO, got to shove her into a teen relationship that makes no fucking sense! Just gotta have her rebuild herself around her significant other! No problem! The fact that if they ever broke up would absolutely annihilate any progress she made and leave her more broken then before? That's no problem too! Because even though they're 15 they gonna be together forever anyway because it's the main characters pairing in a HP fanfic so eternal love happens as a teenager. Obviously.
Wolfman217 chapter 22 . 2/7
No, just fucking no. This whole Susan thing is so fucking stupid. Un-fucking-Believable.
Wolfman217 chapter 20 . 2/7
wow Susan is really fucking annoying, just a total fucking creep. That's top level sleazebag asshole behavior right there.
Matthias von Schwarzwald chapter 31 . 1/6
It's _Rowena Ravenclaw's_ Diadem. Why _wouldn't_ the inscription appear in whatever language makes the most sense to each viewer?
Caver Floyd chapter 33 . 11/13/2019
Good story.

I noticed Melantha is characterized somewhat similarly to Revan in your Star Wars story. I like how you described horcruxes, the whole soul not being divisible because it’s not really a tangible object a good point.

The sections with Tom are extremely similar to the sections with Melantha, they make the same thought processes and have the same phrases and some of the same mannerisms, which is really odd. (In short, Tom doesn’t seem to act like the 70ish year old mature wizard that I would expect.) When comparing this story to Her Mothers Love, it is obvious that you have improved as a writer. That one is one of my favorites currently, thanks for continuing it.
MelIsAwesome chapter 16 . 10/22/2019
I'm confused here, does that means they already both learnt how to shadow travel? In less than a month? When Lilly took a whole year to do it?
MelIsAwesome chapter 11 . 10/22/2019
I am legit so glad I persisted thru this chapter bc that bathroom scene is my literal favourite. YAS. So many genderbender fanfics fuck up what it's like to be a girl (looking at you Becoming Harriet), and this was just amazing. I especially loved how in that instant you switched pronouns. I was hoping that you were intentionally using male pronouns to make it obvious when she finally accepts herself by using female pronouns and the fact you did it mid-sentence just made it PERFECT. That defiance, that power and acknowledging that being girly is not being weak is just so perfect. I hope the rest of this continues being as awesome.
mcepl chapter 17 . 10/22/2019
We, Christians, are always raving about how good and necessary forgiveness is. How it is good and necessary not only for the forgiven one but for the forgiving one as well. And it is true, and I completely agree with it. What are not saying, because it is too difficult for our non-believing friends to hear, is that the Christian’s forgiveness is completely dependent and made sensible only by our faith in the God’s justice. We can give up on our own human attempts to do justice, where we are not able of it, just because we believe the Lord God will do his own justice in his proper time. Without that, we are preaching just letting injustice rule.

I love this quotation from a detective story with the Uncle Abner by Melville Davisson Post (it is “The House of the Dead Man”):

“I have read St. Paul’s epistle on charity,” he said, “and, after long reflection, I am persuaded that there exists a greater thing than charity—a thing of more value to the human family. Like charity, it rejoiceth not in iniquity, but it does not bear all things or believe all things, or endure all things; and, unlike charity, it seeketh its own … Do you know what thing I mean, Smallwood? I will tell you. It is Justice.”

Yes, it sounds like a quite old-fashioned Puritan speaking, but I think we miss it a lot these days. Look at our current political situation. “The one who acquits the guilty and the one who condemns the innocent-both of them are an abomination to the LORD.” (Proverbs 17:15)
Thorn chapter 33 . 9/11/2019
I would be interested in finishing your work. If you could just get what you had for the chapter into my hands I would love to finish out for you. If you can find the time to do so, you can email me your initial plans for the rest of the story and I'll get to writing. My email is
You started something really great, and it would be a shame to leave it unfinished.
Best of luck with your job.
Fjord chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
Love the story so far there are so many fem Harry stories out there at this point but so many of them often do one thing I can’t stand call Harry Harriet, so here is to hoping you do not. Other then that great job, solid grammar and spelling.
8dr Whovian chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
Just saw a few interesting comments on the final chapter/note for this story on AO3, sorry to say I didn't like them at all. As much as stories like this tend to be well written with excellent world building, they often share a pattern of portraying the wizarding nobility as obsessed with bloodlines and producing heirs. Obviously, magical society is canonically far less patriarchal than it's muggle equivalent circa the 19th century (as an example), but the nobility are no less controlling in regards to their children's lives, particularly when they've reached adulthood. At the very least pestering, if not forcing them to marry a partner of the opposite gender and have children.

Even if these arranged marriages are enforced in a less strict manner, (ie: Both parties must like each other, get along fairly well and agree to marry) this is still a form of coercion. It's especially distasteful for noble heirs like Susan, who despite being a lesbian, will most likely be pressured to marry another nobleman and have children. One could argue that as the head of House Bones, it is her duty to marry and produce an heir, but that's an archaic and distasteful view to take in my opinion. Expecting Susan to just accept her 'duty' and disrespect herself in so crass a manner, emotionally and physically, should be insulting to her. It makes a mockery of her relationship with Melantha, reducing her to Susan's lowly 'bit on the side', someone whose dignity and feelings will always come second to the securuty of the marriage. The idea that Melantha would be content to remain with Susan in such ugly circumstances seems like a complete joke as far as I'm concerned.

I find it very hard to believe that the Nobility is so reliant on heterosexual arranged marriages to produce heirs. Why do fanfic authors keep pushing this concept?! Surely they can come up with some kind of alternative means, given that magic is integral to the setting of the Potter universe?! But no, fanfic authors keep pushing this idea that the magical nobility must cling to a near medieval obsession with arranged marriages and compulsory heterosexuality in order to produce heirs, rather than think making up a magic ritual or something similar to produce offspring instead.

This has quickly devolved into a rant, and I'm likely taking it far too seriously, but I've seen this primitive, backwards portrayal of the Potter universe in far too many potentially great fanfics by now and I'm just sick of it at this point.
To be clear, It's the 'arranged marriages' concept that I hate the most. If nobles must produce heirs in a fanfic, at the very least give the characters a choice between a magic ritual or the regular means to have the child. I don't care what gender or sexuality a character is, forcing them into these kinds of relationships and then portraying it as them 'fulfilling their duty to their House' is the absolute worst and it ruins a fanfic in my opinion.

If this Fic is ever continued, I sincerely hope Susan doesn't end up in an arranged marriage (by choice or not) which is automatically disrespectful of both her dignity and sexual orientation. That would go completely against her character and ruin her relationship with Melantha in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't want to keep reading if that were to occur. Apologies for the rant, I didn't mean to come across as insulting, but I've stated my reasons for why this gets on my nerves so much.
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