Reviews for Caught in a War
kit-lelouch ai chapter 6 . 2h
I forgot to ask. Will you change the rating to M in the future? I would love to read a lemon with Atem, Yami and Yugi in the future. Please.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 6 . 2h
Bastard Dartz. Poor Yugi. apparently Atem and yami were as much of a bastard as Dartz in the past. I am happy to see that they are changing for Yugi.
Marik is very arrogant. Does he really think a prisoner is going to trust his jailer? I'm finding that arrogance is a recurring thing in the supernatural, especially in vampires.
Yugi came back and human, still. I thought Dartz had changed him. It was an unusual Plot twist.
I'm looking forward to the continuation. The story is great.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 5 . 3h
I knew that Atem and Yami didn't betray Yugi. Something tells me that Malik acted stupidly to go back to the vampires. He should have followed the group. Poor Yugi. Betrayed by his family. I don't doubt it was Heba who sold Yugi's parents to vampires, considering that he sold his own race to werewolves. He is rotten to the soul, apparently.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 4 . 3h
While this consideration for children by the king and queen is admirable, it does not change the fact that when children grow up, as they grow up, they will have a horrible fate and only the very lucky ones or those who are part of a group with leaders responsible, which is not the case with Yugi's resistance, as they had an irresponsible and inconsequential leader, are spared those who await her when they grow up.
In my opinion, this concern for children is hypocrisy, considering what the future holds for most of them, as few will be lucky. I don't think the king and queen would betray that way.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 3 . 3h
If I were Malik, I would want to twist Yugi's neck for bringing a vampire party to camp, in addition to being captured by a vampire. I understand that Yugi never wanted to be a leader. But, he should never have thrown prudence away like that. If Malik was captured and the camp was left unprotected it was his fault. His need to step away from obligations the first time and the arrogance of his abilities, which led to his being captured the first time and the second time, was his act of returning to the resistance after being bitten. The vampires are guilty of taking security from the camp, however, Yugi is the one with the biggest blame of all, plus the blame for Malik being captured.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 2 . 3h
Poor Yugi. It was captured by the vampires and desired by the king and queen.
I don't think it was a good idea for him to run to camp. It seems that Yugi forgot the vampire's supernatural senses. It is not just werewolves that have a keen sense of smell.
kit-lelouch ai chapter 1 . 3h
Poor Yugi. His parents are a sensitive subject. He understands his important mission, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
Kiki chapter 6 . 7/19
Yay! Atem and Yami changed for Yugi. I am glad that Atemu and Yami will take care of Yugi. Poor Malik.
Another great chapter! Keep it up you'er doing an excellent job so far. Can’t wait for more to come! :D
Kiki chapter 5 . 7/19
Heba is a bastard! God what a twist! Poor Yugi. Great cap :D
Kiki chapter 4 . 7/19
Yay! Another great chapter! Keep it up you'er doing an excellent job so far. It may have been Dartz. .
Kiki chapter 3 . 7/19
Poor Yugi and Malik. well that was unexpected. :O
Kiki chapter 2 . 7/19
Cool story! I like it! uh pobre yugi Ó . Ò
Kiki chapter 1 . 7/19
This is a pretty good start ;DD
jgrl68 chapter 6 . 7/12
Dartz! Your bastard! Poor Malik. Hey Yugi's alive! I want more. Please update. Thanks.
jgrl68 chapter 5 . 7/12
Heba! Your scoundrel! Poor Yugi...
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