Reviews for Secrets
WildKat25ShadowWolf13 chapter 3 . 5/14
I really loved this cute story. Interestingly enough their is a lot of data & reasearch to prove that genetic learning can help or hinder parents who came/fought from peaceful or wartime events prior to their children's conception.

This is an easy definition of : Genetic Learning
(aka the children learn something that took the parents longer to master, and their genetic information they received from tbeir parent's past experiences, prior to conception can be passed down)

Here is the long version of Genetic Learning:

It is recognized in mice that Generation 1 mice who had a "good life" (no food deprivation, stress with electric jolts, etc) helped to birth children who were naturally more talented than their parents in solving puzzles their parents struggled with.

Generation 1 mice who had a bad life of stravation, electric stress, & no human petting, the mice born out of that generation were paranoid, willing to bite humans in fear, hoarded food, and other strange behaviours that make sense for survival in their parent's (Generation 1 mice bad life); however the habits are genetically linked & the parent's DNA turned up these genes to help their children to survive, even if it is unneeded for their current living space or has detrimental effects in finding a mate because they are willing to hurt other's for food easily obtained.

These same behaviours & maladaptive behaviours can be found in abused families & children and it has real world costs and damages to relationships and even the law if violence occurs with abuse.

However, the same can be said for parents who loved their children, but somehow the parent's knowledge seems to be passed down for no reason. So all of Aeryn & John's kids are experiencimg this with wormhole information. Which is appropriate in a sci-fi fandom like Farscape, so thanks for posting this awesome story!

I also appreciated the sex scene as I feel like this fandom needs more of that, to fill in the sexual tension to shows teased use with
So thanks for posting that too!
eScapefreak chapter 3 . 4/24/2016
I started reading this before I went to work this morning and had to stop in the middle! It made me smile all day! Then I came home and reached the climax!

I'm enjoying being with John and Aeryn again. Thank you!
eScapefreak chapter 2 . 4/23/2016
I always knew John and Aeryn's children would be awesome!

Looking forward to recreating!
camcat chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
Love it, can't wait for the next part.