Reviews for The Powerpuff Shield
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6
Yo. I love WWE and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Roman Reigns is my favorite wrestler of all time!
Gage the Hedgehog chapter 5 . 6/1/2017
What another good chapter. I can't wait for more.
nolabell66 chapter 5 . 5/31/2017
I get it Brock Roman is dreamy.

Took him a couple goes it Brock got the hang of it. Only to burn his flame out.

On a personal note, I to am totally over Brock Lasner.
Gage the Hedgehog chapter 4 . 5/29/2017
What another good chapter. Can't wait for more.
nolabell66 chapter 4 . 5/28/2017
I love what you did with this. Very creative.

Seth is right Unicorns are awsome.

Yeah Sasha you can't buy superpowers.

Of course Seth wants to be the leader.
Gage the Hedgehog chapter 3 . 7/10/2016
Good work on this chapter. I like the Shield too in this story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
caylender chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
I don't know why but the way the they handled the Chewy incident was amazing. Like the fact they vaporized the cage? Totally unnecessary but it's the kind of thing you'd see in the show. very funny.

Out of curiosity, how'd you choose the name Chewy? Is that the hamster's name in the show? I can't remember if it is.

And Sasha as Princess is really good casting.

The last line is awesome; I love that you added the "And you can believe that" line. Very nice.
caylender chapter 2 . 4/26/2016
So I adore the New Day. I mean, who doesn't? And I love them in this chapter.

Seth as Bubbles continues to crack me up. It's just too perfect. i love how supportive he was of the New Day, even going as far as wanting to join them.

And the fact that Dean calls them dumbasses? Kind of amazing. it's sort of an out of place insult considering the Power Puff component, but that's what makes it so funny. I legitimately laughed at that line. Oh Dean...

And the narrator voice is spot on.
Zarius chapter 2 . 4/25/2016
When I saw that unicorn episode I immediately knew you'd jump on board this one with a New Day story, basing them off the Amoeba boys was inspired., and Seth believing in Unicorns is just adorable...very weird, but he's the only one I could picture really being mesmerised like that as Dean is too chaotic and Roman far too straight.
Zarius chapter 3 . 4/25/2016
Makes sense for the Boss to be the Princess. Felt it was a tad too similar to the actual episode it's based off of, but it's a parody so I can let it slide.
PrincessLala95 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Jesus christ. Holy shit. This is the best thing I've read all day, and that's including my own fic that I've been putting some progress into all day. I don't know how serious you're aiming for this to be, but this is honestly hilarious and I'm so happy that this is a thing.

A. Fabulous job xD
shiki94 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
*still laughs from this* Oh, man. The crazy thing is that I can TOTALLY picture Sasha being a pretty good fit for Princess Morbucks (...well, at least, Sasha when she was going through her first run of NXT...mainly when she was in the BFFs with Charlotte and Summer Rae). You even nailed how Princess wanted to join the PowerPuff Girls with Sasha wanting to join the PowerPuff Shield! XD

It was pretty cute how all of the kiddies at the school reacted to seeing Sasha on her first day. That's actually how a lot of kids can be when it comes to new kids coming to their school. Also, I must say that it was pretty cute how some of the kids tried to get her to play with them. So adorable. :3

If I can say any one thing, it's that it was pretty sad that pretty much the only way Sasha was able to get consoled by her parent(s?) after her bad day(s) at school was to give her money. :(

Sasha's fight at the end with the PowerPuff Shield...I gotta say, that was pretty well-written for a short fight. It was interesting that Sasha was able to get the better of Dean and Seth, but was eventually beaten by Roman. Guess that'll teach Sasha before she tries to join the boys again.
shiki94 chapter 2 . 4/10/2016
The New Day as the equivalent to the Amoeba Boys. ...I'm thinking this is cuter more than someone probably should. XD The funny thing is that this is something that totally fits these three like a glove. They want to be bad so bad, but they're more just a mild annoyance than anything. :3

I really liked the interactions between the PowerPuff Shield and the New Day. It really reminded me of how the Girls would be if they had to deal with the Amoeba Boys trying to take over Townsville (and not quite succeed in the the end). So, I laughed quite a bit.

*laughs* I'm sorry. I'm still hung up on two things here: 1) Big E glitterbombing people (it reminded me of when Stardust had his star confetti and he'd starbomb people
bleachfreak13 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
This is the best thing ever. I died laughing xD awesome work dude.
purple chick29 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Once again, good story. can't wait for chapter four. and about chapter two. I can't believe the New day. such weardos wanting to become crimanils. It makes know sence. anyways keep up the good chick29.
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