Reviews for Taken
KelseyNicole08 chapter 13 . 7/17/2017
Ugh the feels! :*) loved this story!
bruz chapter 13 . 7/4/2017
sad or happy, I can't decide, but beautifil it's sure
ThreeMagpies chapter 13 . 6/29/2017
Oh... sweet, and I love them running a shelter, and Hermano (Connor? Has to be...). Thank you so much for a wonderful story, an amazing road trip with happy endings for our loved ones and satisfyingly agonizing fates for the villains. I loved it all. :) Magpie
Guest chapter 13 . 6/28/2017
Bravo, Bravo! Loved this story from the beginning. It had everything love, suspense, mystery, and a happy ending. You kept the story moving but didn't lose your character development and gave us so much detail that it was like watching tv show. The ending was so sweet. Hope you will keep writing for Charloe you do such a great job with them. Thanks for sharing.
saderia green chapter 13 . 6/28/2017
great ending..
Guest chapter 13 . 6/28/2017
The return of Ghost(!) Connor is the perfect ending. Loved this
ThreeMagpies chapter 12 . 6/22/2017
Dear Lemon, I've been waiting for this update with my heart in my mouth and it was so damn good to see it there! I had to wait until I had some quiet time to give to it (life is crazy ATM) which is why this is a couple of days down the track :)

I love the world you've created here, loved the adventure, the tension, having everyone there, and of course Bass and Charlie, I think it's one of my favorite stories of yours too, but then I love ALL your stories and that there is an epilogue? Well that makes me feel all fuzzy with delight and ravenous expectation!

Revolution FF will always be strong in my heart, a wonderful part of my life, and the fantastic writers? It's been a pleasure and a privilege to meet you all through words and stories, you especially are a very special person, Lemon, thank you SO, so much for all you have given us and all the encouragement and support you've given me as a developing writer, I'll treasure that too and never forget it Xx

I can't wait for the epilogue, but I also don't want this to end! Magpie
Stop-Police chapter 11 . 5/17/2017
OMG! I Freaking love this! I have sat down for the past two hours reading this and I seriously could not walk away from it. I'm slowing making my way through your amazing stories and god damn I hope you have more of them up your sleeve. I'm going away at the end of May but hopefully I won't miss the next chapter for this.

bruz chapter 11 . 5/15/2017
Oh my god as I read it I thought it was the end and I said no!
Thank you for continuing this story
I loved the farewell scene at the edge of the ocean
Guest chapter 10 . 4/30/2017
Just reread and wanted to say again that this story is awesome. Hoping to see an update soon.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/26/2017
I just reread this story and I really love it! I cannot wait for the last chapter. I'm eager to see how you wrap everything up. Hope you get a chance to post it soon!
Guest chapter 10 . 3/21/2017
I have to say I'm glad there is another chapter. Absolutely love this story. Looking forward to the rest especially when bass and Charlie work things out. Keep up the great writing.
bruz chapter 10 . 3/21/2017
this chapter is so sad... don't want the end.
ThreeMagpies chapter 10 . 3/14/2017
Hi Lemon, firstly 'YAY!" There's more of this story (another lovely chapter... :D ) and second, I am sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next! Poor Bass... so much heartache. And Charlie too - I want to give them both a hug! Your stories always have such wonderful layers of emotion and detail, they are full of life in all its complexity. This one is full of all of that and I've really loved going on the road trip with them. It's great to see Miles and Duncan sparking too lol and to catch up with Jeremy and Strausser again... They feel like old friends :) and grr... Rachel. REALLY cant wait to find out what happens next - but its a little bit bittersweet too because it's the last chapter...sigh... Anyway, love it to bits...
Cheers and thanks so much for a really great read! Magpie
Guest chapter 9 . 2/13/2017
Loved seeing an update! Duncan was awesome and I loved how Bass knows he's at risk for falling for Charlie. Can't wait for the next chapter...please post soon!
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