Reviews for Road's to Love
Guest chapter 9 . 6/29/2016
I did like this story, very much. Thank you!
NatBlake chapter 9 . 6/29/2016
HA HA, Astrid never said 'YES!' It's not complete yet!
LOL. I loved this chapter, but I think it might have been better to have the proposal on a completely separate chapter. I dunno, that's just me. Great story, and I demand an epilogue, Sasstrid. :)
Braggsy chapter 9 . 6/29/2016
Come on make one more chapter on astrid reaction and the wedding, if there is one ;)
Guest chapter 8 . 5/14/2016
I want to read more
MrAndersIversen chapter 8 . 5/16/2016
It defiantly answered my request very well and I can only keep on praising this story because it only gets better and better and that says a lot! Please try again to update ASAP! Thank you already ;)

Sincerely your Danish friend, MrAndersIversen :)
TomBoyBookGirl chapter 7 . 5/13/2016
*banging head on table* why *bang* why *bang* why *bang* whY *bang* WHY *bang* AH! You are EVIL! ... love this story though.
shazza4real01 chapter 8 . 5/14/2016
That was such a sweet chapter! Love it!
NatBlake chapter 8 . 5/14/2016
I love this chapter. My gosh, you absolutely NAILED that romantic scene at the end. I mean, with memory loss and all that, the absolute best way you could have possibly done that scene was to - to - to write it exactly like you did! Awesome! This chapter was fantastic, keep it up. :)
VenomousFantum chapter 8 . 5/14/2016
Wow I mean I've been waiting for this and this is a really heartfelt chapter. So good chapter. I cannot wait to see the next one.
MrAndersIversen chapter 7 . 5/13/2016
Great chapter once more! I really hope Hiccup will get him memory back ASAP just like with how soon I want another update from you, my friend ;) nothing new on that one ;)

Sincerely your Danish friend, MrAndersIversen :)
ChevalierRadiant chapter 7 . 5/13/2016
this is intense. i love it
NatBlake chapter 7 . 5/13/2016
Looks pretty dismal for Harvey right now. Memory loss and the first things that come back are those memories... meh. I would be pretty messed up. And come on, enough sad stuff! Get better again, or something. :) Anyway, nice job, Arvin.
NatBlake chapter 6 . 5/11/2016
Hey Arvin,
I'm digging this story! I usually don't like the 'Hiccup as a motorcycle racer' FanFics, but I must say this one is pretty freakin' awesome so far. I love the Astrid/Hiccup scenes - really well done - and I'm excited to see what comes next. You'd better update this... :)
ChevalierRadiant chapter 6 . 5/3/2016
You may not ever remember anything again?

does that mean he forgets everything he experiences?
MrAndersIversen chapter 6 . 5/3/2016
Just as great of a chapter as the last 5 ones! I really look forward to the next part and I thank you as well for that nice PM of yours! Please try to update ASAP :)

Sincerely your Danish friend, MrAndersIversen :)
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