Reviews for Gems Without Measure A Pirate's Treasure
The perfection chapter 1 . 7/24
Also take your time, I understand life is very hard. It’s hard to focus on writing when you have other more important things to do, even if it takes another year for you to update I have all patience. Good job , take your time

I’d still love to see the gems and the Straw hats go against the diamonds though joking
The perfection chapter 1 . 7/24
I’ crying. I’m honestly crying. This is just too much happiness for one day. Ok I cannot express how grateful I am to be able to finally read a chapter of this wonderful story. I am satisfied, I also gave up hope a few days ago, since the day I started reading this wonderful story, I never left it since. I’ve been reading this every day and every night, never putting the phone down. At breakfast, lunch, or dinner, my phone would always be in my hands. I’d ignore calls, messages, or anything just to read this story. I am just so.. so blessed. I’m not even exaggerating, oh god. I haven’t read the chapter yet either, I’m gonna read it right. Things change after I reached the last chapter of the story, it was so quiet. BUT NOW I CAN FINALLY REAAAAAD THE CROSSOVER.

Also I’d love to see the gems and the straw hats go against the diamonds
White diamond chapter 1 . 7/24
GAAAAASP, HAHAHHAAH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YES YES YES YES I KNEW YOU’D RETURN, I KNEW IIIIIIT! It’s been 2 weeks since I gave up hope, I’ve been coming to the page everyday hoping I’d see you updated, but I stopped and gave up a couple of weeks later...and then today I just had a feeling, something that told me to check the page just one last time, AND I DID, I WAS RIIIIIIIIGHT! I haven’t even read the chapter yet but I’m sure I will be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPRESED. MY FAITH IN HUMANITY IS FINALLY RESTORED.

Ahhh I needed to let that out, ohhhhh I feel so warm and happy . I’m gonna go prepare some popcorn to read the chapter
King of Fans chapter 34 . 7/20
Good chapter and Welcome back.

That’s a interesting effect Greg’s fruit gives him a ability similar to the revolutionary commander bellow Bettie.
This suits him great. Greg is The farthest thing from a fighter from every possible mental and physical angle, but he will face any danger to help his son. So a supports ability fits him nicely.
Guest chapter 34 . 7/12
Our Lord... has finally returned. To give us one let shining hope during these trying times. We thank you for your gracious contributions to this community. (Also, congrats on parenthood.)
T.H. Tiger1 chapter 34 . 7/9
Welcome back. I'd pretty much given up hope.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handle the whole Rose was Pink revelation.
Horrorfan247 chapter 34 . 7/8
Glad to see you back t it again :)

I enjoyed he whole scene with the rooftop and all that. I can't wait till we get to see Luffy fighting Lucci, and I can't wait till the Gems reunite with Steven, I hope they kick Spandams ass for it :)
F-ckthesystem125 chapter 34 . 7/8
WOOHOO! You're back! So glad you're alive! And this story too!
Longma-Irons chapter 34 . 7/8
Welcome back drillmaster! Its been too long, but did you bring one heck of a comeback!
Ultimatrix bearer chapter 34 . 7/8

S3rp3nte chapter 34 . 7/8
Glad to see you at last return to write, and i'm happy to hear that you're able to handle all the stress you got between your family, the world and everyone else.

And know, we may be be able to finally see the Straw Hats and Crystal Gems fight the CP9 and save Robin and Steven, also if they were already angry about what Spardam did to Robin, if they learn what he did to Steven they would get beyond mad.

I still hope that Greg is going to be the one to beat the f**k out to Spardam.
Vanessa Masters chapter 34 . 7/8
I am just so relieved your healthy and alright, and hate that people have threatened your life. That’s crap, Spandam Crap!


No. She could not allow herself to do that. All through her life, Robin had been cast aside and beaten down. Any time that she dared to have hopes for the best, she had been beaten down. Even poor Steven, who stood up for her when nobody else would, was barely breathing in another room thanks to her. She did not deserve kindness. She did not deserve friendship. She just wanted to find a way to make things right by her friends and get everybody as far away from her as she could...

And then to die.

Resigning herself to die was all too easy by this point. She had been preparing for this moment since two nights prior. Yes, her faith in life had momentarily been restored by her friends, but it faded as quickly as it had came. It was far easier to repress the feeling of elation Peridot's verbal threats had given her than to remain optimistic when Steven told her he loved her. It was far easier to ignore the cyborg's constant reminders that she was wanted than to rally up strength after watching Steven's limp body getting mentally probed and desecrated right in front of her eyes.

And yet she could not ignore it now. There they all were: from Monkey D. Luffy to Greg Universe, all of them were lining up. All of them looked beaten up and worn out. However, Robin could tell that it did not matter to them. Robin was ignoring feelings and memories to keep her walking towards death.

The Straw Hats were ignoring their pain to keep them walking toward Steven... and her.

"ROBIN, LEAVE EVERYTHING TO US!" Monkey D. Luffy ordered, staring down the killers across from them. Each member of the crew did the same, united in their cause.


Oh yes! You haven’t lost your touch, worth two years!

But what’s happening to Steven al this time? Did his bubble form to stop them from removing his gem? We know what will happen if it’s removed! O.o

And robin, still thinking of Steven, and wanting to help the gems with the cluster, which is like a buster call on earth.
m00m00k chapter 34 . 7/8
Экологическая ситуация настолько улучшилась, что drillmaster выпустил новую главу. А если серьезно, рад что ты вернулся к этому делу. Надеюсь, все сложится.
dperson3569 chapter 34 . 7/8
I am so glad you are back. This chapter was amazing. Things will really start to get heated up. Meanwhile, I understand where you are coming from. Before you can do your fun, you need to finish your necessities. Nobody wil pressure you. This is your story. Also, I hope you and your loved ones are well and safe in quarantine. Have a good week.
SargentEpsilon chapter 34 . 7/8
Wow. This comeback chapter was AWESOME! Luffy going Gear 2nd to lay out Blueno. Greg finding a way to help the fighters with his music. Usopp exposing the World Government for their lies to Oimo and Kashi. Robin finally finding her will to live despite all efforts to destroy it. I am HYPED for the action to come.
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