Reviews for JackaLu Week 2016
Stellar Orbit chapter 2 . 11/4/2019
OH MY GOD. I never thought of that before..WHAT THE FUCK

I loved that last bit of AN. XDDDD
Lilbloo20 chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
I know this is like a few years 3 years, but please hear me out? You are the only author I know that makes good jackal x lucy! This part particularly I love cause of the idea that jackal was made for lucy which is total symbolic cause of tartarus are half finished books by zeref so giving jackal the actual benefit of fulfilling a greater purpose, than please make more? If you can't that's fine thank you for considering them a pairing ,but if you do make more I'd really appreciate it!
Emily White1 chapter 8 . 4/28/2019
Awww! I loved each prompt! And I'm glad you decided to go through with your last prompt Mobster! It was well written and believable! Even though with each prompt I had to keep from squealing at 1-4 am in the morning!- This also kept me very good company while i waited for my fiance to get home from work. Thank you so much for all the writing you do!
RavenMadd chapter 3 . 11/16/2018
LoL Gem... I love your twisted humor!
MadSoullessQueen chapter 8 . 7/12/2018
This was wonderful, the whole mafia story, Mard and Lucy as siblings and the best bumbling love confession ever.


Okay Loved this and you've got me hooked into this as a ship.
MadSoullessQueen chapter 7 . 7/12/2018
and must read Culinary Explosion to see where this goes... I am expecting even more insanity because who doesn't love a good kitchen accident...

Gordon Ramsey, that's who...

I'm not him, so it's all good, I'll take the kitchen accident turned demon summoning, cause reasons!
MadSoullessQueen chapter 6 . 7/12/2018
I face palmed during this because I was cracking up at Lucy needing to have to try and have the "where do babies come from" talk with Jackal.

Red wings suck...but if he's into it...more power to the opportunistic omnivore!
MadSoullessQueen chapter 5 . 7/12/2018

How did Mard and Freed happen? You must tell me! I needs ta know...don't make me figure it out myself...that'll lead to more writings I'll beg you to edit.

Tell me *attempts puppy eye things...knows this is a bad idea*

Oh and Eris is fucking adorable!
MadSoullessQueen chapter 4 . 7/12/2018
Oh dear goddess... I'm dead.

Quivering pile of mess on the floor is me...just step around me for a while as I try to pull myself together.

Loved this and to think Lucy as a masochist...makes total sense and of course just adds to the idea that she is the one for him. Though...did you have to traumatize my poor Mard here, really who wants to see that?
MadSoullessQueen chapter 3 . 7/12/2018
Oh god all of that just to brush his fur! LOL This was just the most playful moment and their banter was adorable.
MadSoullessQueen chapter 2 . 7/12/2018
*jaw drop* that's quite the way to start this week and until this I hadn't considered much out of Jackal but the art thing just really pulled at me and then Lucy being his light... now that's how you start a story!
nature's Nymph chapter 8 . 10/15/2017
This fic has just given me an idea but I'm no writer so I'm gonna tell you in case it sparks something I know you like your crack ships. So in the bloodlust days fic you described mard as having an unhealthy obsession with books and my brain went freed and mard as a ship and now I can't get it out of my head.

Also love these ship week Drabbles you guys do.
sassykitten1701 chapter 5 . 6/17/2017
It's official. I hate you. Now I'm curious about a Mard and freed pairing. Not fair dammit
sassykitten1701 chapter 4 . 6/17/2017
Dammit now I want a Mard and Mira story that branches from this...
Jinx's Remix chapter 3 . 11/20/2016
Definitely the best alas of yet. Far to hilarious to read in one go, nice job, keep up the good work
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