Reviews for Hearts are All as False as Stairs of Sand -Shakespeare
Flybyn1ght chapter 26 . 7/28
Wow. This is an incredibly thoughtful and fairly gritty story. I was expecting mostly crack. I love how very much at home in their skin your shinobi are. I guess that's the result of being warriors and having to know exactly where they stand (or be dead). It's an attitude rarely seen in fanfic. Very refreshing. Harry Potter is going to be terrifying, growing up with the Sand siblings as his family and role models.

I happily raced through this story last night. I'd like to see it continue but.. At least you are still writing, I have hope. Meanwhile, I'm tackling "Dem bones" next. Always wonderful to find another good author. You also make story recommendations! Thanks!
hibarishikaru21s chapter 26 . 6/28
Thank you for the dates!I really needed it since I was making a KHR and Naruto crossover,and somehow I saw this-thank goodness I did because I really needed it-and I am happy that I got closer to forming better chapters for it!Also, this story is AMAZING!I REALLY LOVE IT!I love how you made the plot and the events and all that you really did a great job.I hope you keep making this story, thank you for making me smile throughout the amazing chapters and how you characterized the Suna Siblings and all other characters,both from the Harry Potter and Naruto casts!(Also,I want to ask Kankuro something: Do shinobi often visit the muggle/non-magical/civilian world and copy some of their technology in order to improve their villages?)
Scififan33 chapter 26 . 6/23
just re-found and re-read! Still love it! Especially how Harry is already growing with even how little he's seen his siblings. Glad Sirius is getting help, then again is any ninja sane? Did they fry all the Dementors or only some? Hope there's more soon and you're safe during all the chaos.
Guest chapter 26 . 6/22
I usually don't like x-overs, either because the storylines are a mess or the different characters just don't sync. You have made this work wonderfully, however. I love how you made Gaara and Harry biological brothers, even if it's only half-brothers. Now you just need to deal with the green bowling ball aka Fudge, Malfop Sr., and Stumblebore. After that Harry needs more time getting to know others in Hogwarts, and have bonding time with his new siblings. Hope your muse hurries back to this story soon.
SeemsRandom chapter 9 . 5/15
What if Anakin Skywalker met Gaara?
Cari Farah chapter 26 . 4/29
I need more of this, here's to hoping your muse returns to this monstrosity of a plotbunny
PinkFluffySoftijs chapter 24 . 4/5
Wait what? How was that rude? I don't get it.
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 10 . 3/5
well bye i am out.
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 9 . 3/5
wtf just happened
Soraslove chapter 26 . 12/11/2019
Fucking Dumbledore...

That idiot is always steping in it.

Even if ron is suddenly not a jealous wanker and is actually thinking about what he say's before he say's it... which is really not canon ron. I still think he and hermione are not a good fit.
Soraslove chapter 25 . 12/11/2019
illegal immigrants tho

yo, i hope draco father does die, the creepy bastard.
Soraslove chapter 22 . 12/11/2019
damn temari and shika are good.
Soraslove chapter 20 . 12/10/2019
Remus is growing up, Pog.

Ayy, Harry is going to have someone looking out for him... finally.
Soraslove chapter 16 . 12/10/2019
I'm so glad, that harry is finally starting to think of things objectively.

I honestly hope harry can state things in a way to get hermione thinking as well, honestly i could care less about ron, i think he has and will be an idiot.

Hermione has intelligence atleast to change her outlook and what not. Whether she will or not, well gg.
Soraslove chapter 15 . 12/10/2019
Blaise mother's interest though.. yikes.
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