Reviews for Confessions of a Cat Owner
lucia12248 chapter 15 . 2/8
Plz continuee
Yaoi fangirl chapter 15 . 2/1
I don't usually read usuk but this was the funniest usuk fanfic I have ever read and I love it
Crystle chapter 3 . 12/31/2019
Honestly, this is such a wonderful fanfic! I haven't read anything as good as this in years. Its just hilarious and the way you kind of twisted the original plot is amazing :D
aquariusyoi chapter 9 . 8/17/2019
How do you bite a bear?
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 11 . 8/2/2019
Oh, I just love the love-hate relationship between Arthur and Francis. They make wonderful frenemies
IgglyPiggly chapter 10 . 8/1/2019
I'm so tempted to search up these YouTube channels and see if they might be real with anyone knowing XD
IgglyPiggly chapter 6 . 8/1/2019
Jasper through this whole chapter: Ooh, the Frenchman's house has something shiny, Let's go in. What is my idiot of an owner trying to do? Lets act innocent. I wonder what's for lunch- HEY HEY HEY DON'T GRAB ME- Lil bich. Humans are no fun, why aren't they fighting? I have to save him, he gives me food...I'll save him later
Svaneaalka chapter 15 . 2/27/2019
This story is so funny.
Please keep up the good work!
GayTrashLord666 chapter 3 . 1/8/2019
Arthur at the end is my mood
Big Fan chapter 15 . 1/4/2019
Pls update I love this fanfic
Seiczanka chapter 15 . 11/22/2018
Hey, I know that it's been a long time since you updated, but by any chance do you plan to continue the story?
I actually signed up only to ask you that and follow this ff, bc it's the best thing I've ever read with this ship.
William chapter 15 . 9/5/2018
I really love how this is going so far! I really love the relationship going between Arthur and Alfred (as well as the owners and their cats X3). I can't wait to see what happens next! (And I love how Alfred did notice Arthur wearing his PJ's XD)
A US-UK fangirl chapter 15 . 8/29/2018
I really enjoyed your story, and I sincerely hope you'll update it soon !
Lmb111514 chapter 14 . 7/14/2018
Haha; I came back to reread this story again and absolutely enjoyed it! I swear I haven't laughed so much from a story before- you understand all the characters and how they should act so well. Well, good luck in life until you can update again!
Allstarall chapter 8 . 6/18/2018
A great fun fic.

Some deeper parts here and there for some flavor, but it’s generally very light.

YouTube humor is one of my favorite types of fanfic, and this shows it.

Alfred’s wild action (and screaming) combined with Matthew’s calmness, sass and straight lace ness with an undertone of twin Bros makes for family loveee. Normal life is also very fun, just a different flavor.

Arthur’s comments of dry humor, references, sarcasm, and tsuns love is great in and out of itself, but that with cats makes it grinnable and smile worthy. Add those traits with Alfred’s out the world bright energy, fear of horror, and overreactions makes for a Trolololol chapter.

A small jab, and Alfred either lets it easily roll off, or doesn’t get it. Their banter is great, comparable to British birthday cake ice cream.

The romance seems to be appearance-based so its downrated. They are super great friends though. I think it would be best if they were just very close unromanticlly, but that’s just me.

The addional side characters were a neat mix. Sweden was odd, but a good additive. Very very light Sufin. Then, of course, there are the other Nordics ;) Bullied (light-heartedly and in games) Den and Sadistic Nor besties. France. Can’t have Britain without France. Japan and Prussia were peachy. Wild Prussia is wild. And bad at comebacks. And a weird gross-flirt. Russia-Sorry, but didn’t like him. Just dislike the RusCan subplot. Do like Matt’s college stress subplot though. 2 hardworking Bros. Smart Loyal Poland is a great GF. (As in person to confide in for love.) AMERICAT. IS YES.

Ch10: YT Comments. A different flavor of humor. Joking around, insults then flirts, other and shipping and hate. 100% bro.

It’s slightly* crack, with all the randomness, but that’s what makes it awesome.
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