Reviews for When I Needed You
AerisTifaYuffie chapter 1 . 12/4/2003
I saw your story and thought it was great but i have a question: Everyone says Aeris got kidnaped and I never knew this, but how did this really go? (My friend and I are only on the 1 disk and i haven't played this for along time and started a new game. I am not really a bigginer my friend is)
WhiteRosePetals chapter 1 . 11/28/2003
That's actually good! Well written! Way to go!
San Higurashi chapter 1 . 9/26/2003
FINALLY, someone who understands what I feel about Cloud. I used to tell people that and they would completely flame me so bad. So cool.

I have a question for you. I'm making a Tifa shrine and I'm in the process of creating fanfiction section. It's basically I just link the stories directly from Could I have your permission to link this story there? Please email me with your answer and if you say now then I'll completely understand and won't hold any resentment towards you!
Atressa O'Riordan chapter 1 . 6/25/2003
I enjoyed this story, realistic. I'm glad to see her stand up to that guy for once.
Alan Bates chapter 1 . 11/2/2002
Okay, maybe you hate Cloud but you nailed his character dead to rights. He was a man born to lose.
Leora chapter 1 . 7/18/2002
I'm a cloti fan but I love this fic! Great job!
Tifa's Nose chapter 1 . 3/12/2002
Wow, that was beautiful, and so sad.
Death's Angelnot logged in chapter 1 . 2/13/2002
Yay! Someone else who agrees with me! I truely do hate Cloud for leading Tifa on the way he did in the game, and I want to hurt Tifa for continuously following him. But this is so sweet. Rude and Tifa are the best couple in the game... Besides maybe Tseng/Elena... Ahem, anyway, I do love this, and I'm glad someone had the nerve to post this! Ja!
rokusan chapter 1 . 2/13/2002
Yaay! You say you expect to be flamed by pro CloTi pplz, but I am one and I certainly am not going to flame you -what a special tale you've told here! I appreciate what you've done here -you're one of the few authors who has given Tifa selfrespect and strength to go on, even without the man she loves. This is just really great, so don't worry about it!
Colorslander chapter 1 . 1/21/2002
Aww the sadness. Poor Cloud and Tifa.
Lirillith chapter 1 . 1/10/2002
Well. I'm not exactly an FF7 'shipper of any variety, so it's not like it hurts me personally to see Tifa move on from Cloud. I'd hope she *would,* if he behaved like that. And I love Rude, so it's nice to see him getting the happy ending for a change. But it's a shame... I'd like to see the Tifa/Rude thing developed, rather than just written as revenge against Cloud. Still, well-written and pretty believable.
Ann chapter 1 . 12/21/2001
Nice story. I always glad to see Tifa can move on. Cloud deserve what he did.
Xejo chapter 1 . 12/17/2001
Yea, that was pretty cool. Um.. Yea, I suck at reviews.
Lacy1 chapter 1 . 6/15/2001
Very nice work. Always felt cloud and Tifa should be together, but this is very well done and believable. *applause*
Crisis Haylo chapter 1 . 5/4/2001
Wow! I felt sorry for Tifa too ;_; Cloud is too greedy! On ending of disk two seemed like he had some kinda feelings for Tifa but a t the end noooooo he has to blab stuff about Aeris infront of TIfa (no I don't hate Aeris) Cloud's a meany! ; well I really liked it alot! Go Tifa! Teach him a lesson or two! Hahahaha! She should be with Vincent or something I dunno why ; well Rude okay too :D
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