Reviews for When to quit
XDHwD chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3sc4st0riaQ
MaritFly chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
if I need an absolute reminder that the story is writing in British English, it's that particular word "shagging". Well, they're not waltzing in a ballroom, so yeah. LOL
chocolate1 chapter 3 . 8/10/2016
Don't dwell on it because you're writing a great story so far. Sometimes I feel that Bruce should be training Terry more so that he's not overtly tired after his task is finished. This is so much for a teenager to take on especially one that doesn't necessarily has his set of skills. I understand Bruce can be harsh and straight forward but I know also that he cares for Terry.

Hopefully Max is not too much of a danger...
chocolate1 chapter 2 . 8/10/2016
Bruce will forever be perceptive but he himself knows there is only so much he can do about Terry's raging "teenage hormones" :) Yep Max was right about Terry and Dana who appear to be struggling to keep a relationship afloat and might I add Terry's struggle to stay awake. I feel sorry for him being a year into Batman and his body not fully getting familiarized with the tasks at hand.

I also see that both he and Max are speculating about each other which is too cute but who will be the first to admit and what will that do to friendships?
chocolate1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
Uh...I remember when I was younger and some thoughts came to my head and I had to retreat into fanfiction to keep those thoughts at bay along with prayers it worked to keep my brain up with a purpose until I became strong enough to overcome. It will get better but you must seek out the positives in your life - focusing on the negatives will only get you down. Hey I even remember the songs that added to my depression - I still enjoy some of them but they don't have the same effect like they once did.

As for your story I'm enjoying it so far. It's almost like Max is oblivious to the effect that she's having on Terry. And yeah Terry has some things to consider about his future and being Batman. Bruce better set him up with a job if he can't go off to college but then again Terry needs to have some of those same experiences like he once did if he wants to. Well I'll see where you take this story...
Moonie K chapter 3 . 7/31/2016
I like the story so far

Guest whoever that is can calm down... the writer meant Max and Terry never dated... not Terry hasn't dated anyone... it's not a slam on Dana

Update soon
RyokoMist chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
I actually liked this chapter. The characters may be OOC in some parts, but this is FanFiction - it's not unusual for writers to make characters OOC for the sake of their story plot. I can deal with OOC moments because there was a specific story you're trying to tell, even if it shies away from the original series focus a bit. But like i said, this is FanFiction, and it's not uncommon. In fact, I think it makes the author's stories interesting because you're never really sure what to expect next and it kind of draws you in. It's different and unique in its own way. I look forward to seeing how you are going to have the interaction between Batman/Terry, Mad Stan and Max.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/23/2016
"As in propose yourself for a relationship, formally, you barely have assets as it is, why would you propose yourself to marriage, you've never even dated!"

What the hell, how can Bruce say that Terry never dated when he just left a relationship with Dana? Bruce in canon considered that to be a valid relationship, even if you don't! Terry and Dana dated, deal with it. That fact isn't erased because you had them break up and think that his inevitable relationship with Max is going to be so much more meaningful.
RyokoMist chapter 2 . 5/12/2016
Ahhh good ole Bruce. He never lets you down and is always so inspiring. Lol Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2016
Congratulations, you made Terry an even worse boyfriend than in canon! Dana should break up with him, someone who only doesn't objectify and mentally undress his girlfriend because he thinks she's not as hot as his supposedly platonic friend isn't worth a self-respecting girl's time.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
Terry preferring to communicate with Max instead of Bruce because he has the hots for her doesn't make him more sympathetic, it makes him seem like a stupid horny teenager who's asking to get in trouble because he's distracted.
RyokoMist chapter 1 . 5/6/2016
Hey! Im loving this so far. You've got a great and emotional start here and i love the interaction between Terry and Max. The tension is real. You have a few spots with some grammar issues that makes reading a tad jumpy, but its okay because i could still totally understand what you were saying. I loom forward to the next chapter!