Reviews for Graphidimension Ruby
TheNightstriker chapter 7 . 12/18/2016
Oh damn! Ok Nepgear was actually pretty cool there! I look forward to more!
nhehvnukl chapter 6 . 12/4/2016
is this dead?
Guest chapter 3 . 8/27/2016
um this is supposed be a your story but it is a crossover, not a a your story, it is RWBY crossover to Hyperdimension Neptunia
Alephion chapter 6 . 8/8/2016
-"She's a lot less trigger-happy..."


I see Iris is a shoot first, questions later kind of person. Seems like a mix between Winter and Weiss to me, very nice! I'm interested in how you'll portray Blake's equivalent here. Unless we've already met them.

-Poor Kaveri. Poor, poor dead inside Kaveri. I'm liking how you explained her semblance protocol. A tree branch seems to be an apt metaphor for it.

-Yikes. Sounds like Graphicard's in a tense situation right now... I'm just waiting for the bullets to start flying...

Digging your writing style! Especially with your characterization of Kaveri. She's vaguely reminiscent of Yang but separate enough that she can also be identified as Kaveri, just be careful with that balance for your other characters too.

And now, skulking back to the den.
Alephion chapter 5 . 7/21/2016
Wait... So let me get this straight.

Ruby. Scythe. Rose petals. Uses a scythe. Possibly an adorably cute reaper that loves cookies. Has a sister.

Kaveri. Dead inside. Sister to RUBY. Lost an arm. Gauntlet weapons.

Trinity. Neopolitan themed. Does not speak. Bloodthirsty little girl with no qualms about murder and an illusion or something similar that shatters?

... I'm sensing a pattern here... Don't worry, I'm excited about October 22nd as well. I do hope you have some more references lined up, I'll be checking back regularly!
0n3dgeGaming chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
Yay! The fun begins!

Loved this chapter, the action was great, and it was worth the wait.

Can't wait for more, and keep up the good work.
0n3dgeGaming chapter 4 . 6/4/2016
I'm getting so many RWBY vibes...

Story so far is good, I'm interested, and will wait for when you update.