Reviews for Past Lives
devildogg237 chapter 10 . 5/3
Ok I want to see where this goes, a fixit with someone that doesn’t have all the details, a more natural story. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Savvywolf chapter 10 . 1/9
HAHAHAHAH! Oh gosh, Finn, you have no idea the stress you are about to cause in so many lives.
Izaleana chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
This is absolutely brilliant. I love Finn’s interactions with the clones, and the new things he’s learning, such as art. I love this!
Egnoder chapter 9 . 12/21/2019
Time Travel fanfiction stories often treat future knowledge as a magic bullet or an unexposable secret. You write an excellent middle ground with Finn's lack of knowledge and about desire to change things.

I hope you keep going.
Una Galaxia de Color Azul chapter 9 . 10/27/2019
I admit that it is a disaster what Finn is doing in the clone ranks. Good story
Pink ranger 13 chapter 9 . 10/22/2019
Its a great story and please continue this story !h
Savvywolf chapter 9 . 10/22/2019
Finn being adopted by the clones is everything I never knew I needed in life... Oh man! Just the comparison between the life that Finn lived verses the clones like. There's a tragedy in both but the concept of individuality and the differences between inner and outer differences. Just... wow. Thanks for the update! It was a great read! Good luck with your future writing!
UnkownSoul chapter 9 . 10/22/2019
Really getting into the whole Stormtroopers vs Clones thing. I like it!
Dreamer-Of-The-Omniverse chapter 8 . 9/11/2018
This is amazing. The world needs more time travel Finn fics where he meets the clone troopers. Thank you So much for all the writing you did So far. It's well written and a good fic. The only way for it to be better would be for Fives, Tup, and other well loved characters to not be dead in the first place.

So is Finn going to get the crash course on clone culture? How well is he going to fit in? What kind of questions does Finn have anyway? Why is the title "Past Lives"? Is someone a reincarnation or is reincarnated in the future? If you want Poe or Rey to be around in the past but not though time travel you can make it so someone in the past is a past life of one or both of them and have Finn recognises them through force signature.

How are the other troopers going to react to Finn? Will anyone find out that Finn's a time traveler? Will be be introduced as one? Someone like one of the troopers or Jedi stand in front of all or a bunch of other troopers and says something along the lines of "all right everybody this is Finn he's from the future so we're going to stay here and hide him here for awhile till everything gets shorted out" or will it be one of those things that starts with a few of them talking and just spreads till the whole camp knows. Will there be a lot of questions about the future? Can't wait for General Organa to come up.

Will there be any watching of cheesy time travel fantasy holos? You know for educational and research proposes. What is going to be Rex's reaction when he finds out what happened when he was gone? Is there going to be anything that is common knowledge to the clones that Finn doesn't know?

Are they ever going to find out if Finn is force sensitive? Maybe trough amazingly good blaster aim? How about sensing sith? Wining loads of sabacc hands? Does Finn know he's force sensitive? I mean if the Jedi from the future knew why didn't he get training?

How is Bail's scheming in the Senate going to go? Will padme be involved? Are they ever going to find out that Vader isn't Dooku? How is that going to happen? Are they going to be in the middle of a lightsaber fight and one of them calls him Vader and Dooku is all 'what the heck? Who's that?' or are going to say it to someone else and get them all confused? Is Dooku going to show up? What are Obi-wan and Anakin going to be doing/up to?

What are the rest of the council going to be thinking? How will the investigation go? Who is going to be involved in it? What will they find? How is this going to look to the other battalions? Is Finn going to tell the clones the story of how he escaped the first order and joined the rebellion? I can just see him and some clones sharing 'how I got my name' storys and the others just being all 'woah' and out doing all the other storys.

Are the clones going to test Finn's skills? Are they going to be surprised? Is Finn going to be surprised by their skills? Will he show off his lightsaber skills? Like in the middle of a battle one of the Jedi drops their 'saber and Finn just picks it up and fights a sith maybe? It would be even more awesome if it was Anakin who drops his 'saber because Finn has used it before. Maybe he can comment on seeing it before?

How is he going to feel about being back in a bucket? Is he going to customize it? I read somewhere that the stormtrooper armor was made badly on purpose and that's why storm troopers have had aim. Is that going to be true here? And Finn being surprised at how much better clone trooper armor is. Is he going to be asked why he wasn't wearing armor while
infiltrating first order ships? Or What happens to his armor?

And is he going to be continued to be mystified by the difference between storm and clone troopers? Is he going to be welcomed into the clone/Jedi family? Will Finn be ok? Or Will he get his memorys mixed up and think he's back in the first order? How much of his life does he remember anyway? With the reconditioning and all? Will it come up? Maybe when he's asked when his birth day is to try and figure out when he would be born if ever? I hope he doesn't get any panic attacks or anything?

What will be Ahsoka's role? Will she be the one that starts thinking about the flaws in the order? "Finn was crying. Ahsoka didn't blame him. The thought of never seeing her Master or Rex or any of her crechemates ever again … that would be devastating. Jedi weren't supposed to be attached, but … maybe she should meditate on this, tonight." Maybe Finn is What starts it? Maybe it spreads through a philosophical discussion about how no one is truly detached from everyone and how attachments can help, how what they should be learning is letting go, and if the Jedi are too attached to the code and if that is wrong what else is? Maybe using Finn as an example.

The Jedi could struggle over it the ones that believe the ones that don't and the ones that aren't sure. Just getting them to ask questions about how the Jedi order works, getting conflicting evidence on both views. And if the entire order doesn't change to one view there could be a spilt and the other view could start a new order and/or temple somewhere else or it all stays one order and the teachings of the two views can be pasted down the Master Padawan lineage. It can be a slow gradual process started by the younger generation with maybe a Master or knight here or there who are more open to change which then works up the ranks. Possibly all the way up to the council.

It could start with Ahsoka having a question and then asking Anakin or Obi-wan and one or some of the clone troopers and/or Finn listen in and give their opinions on the matter and maybe Finn could say something about Rey or Luke Skywalker, about how the Jedi order is like in the future, other future stuff and What happens when you don't question things. And it just spreads and pops up once and awhile. And then maybe later some of the Senators and other Jedi talk about it and share their opinions. Just an ongoing philosophical discussion and then it grows. With jedi
doubting and questioning the way the order works behind the scenes.

Will there be BAMF moments? What kind of shatterpoints will be triggered? Will there be a philosophical discussion about last names? Will the Jedi prevent order 66 and the rise of the empire? Or Will it go through and they and the 501st will have to do some kind of stealth mission to take down Darth Sidious? Why did the Jedi large the other temples? Will anyone ever work on the galaxy's humongous slave problem? What about the chips? There's a theory that they're also emotion suppressors will all the clones be feeling weird after the chips are taking out? Will the accelerated ageing be mentioned and/or turned off? Will there be force ghosts? What about clone force ghosts?

Camp fire storys? Will Finn find out that he's related to someone in the clone wars? It'll be funny if it turns out that he's related to the clones and starts calling all of them Grunkle, unlikely but funny. Will there be fluff? team bounding? Snuggle piles? And what was added to that glass of water Jesse gave Finn?

I keep rereading it and noticing new things. There are two things that keep bothering me like how it says that jesse has the imperial symbol on his head when isn't it the Galactic Republic symbol? The two symbols are different if only by a little. And can't Finn just carbon freeze himself to get to the future? Or go to a plant where time goes by faster relatively to the rest of the galaxy? Take the long way round? I mean I know that's not a good idea with all the war stuff going on but afterwards when it's all prevented? Maybe at the end he gets the choice between staying with his new clone/Jedi family and going back to the future but having no guarantee that his friends will be around, born, or there being anything recognizable. I can just imagine Finn saying something among the lines of 'I've already lost one family I'm not losing another.' or ' The past has changed so much. I don't know if I'm going to see them again, but I've got to try.' depending on his decision.

Please write more, there are questions that need to be answered. Take your time however, good things take time. This has got to be the longest review I have ever written that's how awesome this fic is. Thank you So much.

Savvywolf chapter 8 . 6/22/2018

Just FINN! My space boy! I love how confused he is but how determind he is and I just love this so much! Just all the Jedi and their reactions and how Finn Keeps looking at the Clones in just Awe it's so cool! and I would love to see how Finn reacts to being in a bucket again!

Plus poor Anakin! just he's so lost but at the same time he will be off so much better if this turns out okay! I also love the little hints that are here and there about Finn being force sensitive, also I can't wait for everyone to make the connection between Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker. Heavens that would be amazing.

Other things, the destruction of the Hosnia system, the tear down of the Jedi, LEIA FREAKING ORGANA and her bamfness I would just die. And the fact that it's all secondhand to third hand information makes it even better! It leads to a lot of well what do we do now?

Anyways I know inspiration comes and goes and I hope and pray that it comes to you! But if not I'm just so grateful that you put what you had out there! This is truely amazing and if you ever want someone to bounce ideas off of I'm here!

Sashie11 chapter 8 . 4/18/2018
This is a great idea for a story, love your way of handling the characters, I was wondering if you were planning to return to it?
ariolfo101 chapter 8 . 10/28/2017
This is absolutely AMAZING! I never thought of sending FINN of all people back in time, but now that I read this it's the best choice I've ever seen made! I wonder when Finn is going to say to Anakin and Organa " Hey, I know a Skywalker and Organa who are siblings. Are you two dating?" Maybe he'll meet Han as a kid (tearing up) or get a message to Rey or Poe.
goanago chapter 8 . 10/28/2017
oh my gosh! this is so perfect!
goanago chapter 6 . 10/28/2017
oh my! I'm feeling goosebumps! way to go Finn! you tell them! At least now they are listening! And by the way, I love the rationalization about the whole not investigatiing further thing
goanago chapter 5 . 10/28/2017
oh my gosh! it all sounds sooo crazy when blurted all like that! jajajaja, I think that of all people coming back in time, Finn would be the best! so straightforward and no nonsense with him
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