Reviews for Waterfall
warriorgod626 chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Please update this it's pretty good in my opinion
Iara Raven chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
Omg...i can't believe it...i have never cried while reading a book, but i can't believe this is happening...for the first time i am crying while reading something...and i don't know how to describe this but this is something i have never felt...its like a million strings are tugging at my heart from all directions and the tears are streaming down...Oh...God...wat was this feeling?... Guess i'll never know...
DG and Reed chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Aw, dude. Another great one! I absolutely love how you ended it. Aw, I miss the Teen Titans fandom.
Krusher chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
It bugs me to no end that most of fanfic authors for Teen Titans don't know he has four fangs.
10 respect
kiki.Hanna chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
RPGPersona chapter 1 . 5/15/2016
Poor Beast Boy. He was just trying to do something nice for Raven and it blew up in his face. Raven was pretty hard on him.

Wow, Beast Boy really took Raven words hard. He is even cutting himself off from the other Titans.

Cyborg has had enough and goes to confront Raven about it. Raven seems quite reluctant to admit she did anything wrong. Two weeks with no Beast Boy and she didn't even think something was wrong. Even if she was enjoying the silence, she should have known something was wrong. It looks like the rest of the Titans are giving Raven the silent treatment and leaving her all alone like she is always asking until she reflects on her behavior.

Raven held out for a week. That week of stubborn resistance really took a toll on her, she looks horrible. Even her powers are failing her at this point. At least she is ready to try to mend the bridge with Beast Boy.

Beast Boy tough to find when he wants to hide. Hours of searching with nothing to show for it. A lucky break reveals that Beast boy is playing in a band. A place filled with many people all highly emotion, not a pleasant place for Raven. Maybe this is karma for Raven. It certainly took a toll on Raven staying to wait for Beast boy to appear.

Suddenly, Beast Boy is going to sing. The emotions that he brings out for this song are strong enough to completely overpower everyone elses emotions for Raven. I can only imagine how much emotion Beast Boy must be feeling for this to be the case.

Looks like the song Beast Boy sang broke the last of Raven's resistance, causing her to break down and weep. That is one way to get Beast Boy attention. Looks like they both got their feelings out. Raven giving an apology for her harsh words. Beast Boy apologizes for irritating so much, explaining he likes her and doesn't know how to properly show it.

With his feeling laid bare, Beast boy surprises Raven even more by showing how much he understands her and why he tries his hardest to get her attention when she is feeling lonely.

If nothing else, it looks like the bridge is back together, maybe even stronger than before.

After Beast Boy took the time to observe Raven and learn about her, it looks like Raven has decided to do the same. Who knows where that will lead.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Good story though I would have preferred it without the cursing
Lord Sicarius chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
Wow. Your writing is awesome, and you had a nice vocabulary span! I really look forward to reading more of your stories
SuperWG chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
I loved it. And I gave the song a listen too. It wasn't too bad either.
Lord Sicarius chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
Wow. You're a fantastic writer! You have good flow, and a pretty good span of vocabulary. You definitely need to at least have a second chapter to resolve all that was left unsaid
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Well Raven learned her lesson and now she will never take Beast Boy for granted again specially if Starfire is right and she has fallen for BB, heh heh.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
remusloveschocolate chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
ok I really liked this. I'd ask for a second chapter but it's a perfect one shot.