Reviews for The Corner Shop
Guest chapter 20 . 12/3/2017
Loved this.
chizuru300 chapter 20 . 9/22/2017
I just love your story ! (i'm bad in english but i love your story a lot, i just don't have the way to describe my feels. I use google trad)
My only regre is about Chaff and the other characters you evoke. And we would like to see them in other scenes.
marmalade-snow chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
Really fun read! You had a really strong start and the plot kept me reading until the end! I loved how you portrayed Effie and Haymitch with a modern twist. Thanks for the great read!
Wichita29x chapter 11 . 3/23/2017
"He craved her light and was exhausted to fight it off any longer". Love it! Chapter 1 was such a great oppening and believe me I see our fridge now with different eyes :-) However, I think if an old "Angel" - Heidi Klum for example - would move to a small town someone - maybe Brutus - would recognize her.
nicknee chapter 20 . 11/7/2016
I am sorry to hear that you will not continue writing Hayffie. i never knew of Hayffie until one fateful day when I stumbled across one of your stories and well you hooked me in lol I continue to this day a few years down the track to be in love with these two characters. Thank you for writing these incredible stories I wish you all the best.
sinnercersei chapter 20 . 10/17/2016
Why I'm crying
snookolive chapter 20 . 10/17/2016
really loved the end of this au! i can't believe it's already over. :( i'm sorry that you've been feeling discouraged in the hayffie fandom and will be disappearing. hope to see you back writing soon!
nursekelly0429 chapter 20 . 10/15/2016
I loved this story and I'm sorry to see you go. Will you be writing in another fandom? I love the way you write and you have real talent.
Macie chapter 20 . 10/15/2016
Oh happy birthday and thank you so much for writing! I'd love for you to stay in this fandom, but it's ultimately your life and your decision. I love your work and I love what you're brought to this tiny community, and thank you once again for writing these magical stories! I'll miss you and I hope you'll write more some day.
pistonsfan75 chapter 20 . 10/15/2016
Loved it!
marizpe chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
Awww I loved it! I loved it! I loved it!
It was really a great great story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
It was a very good final, I love that Effie worked in her show and that they found the way to stay togerher all the time, that they shared her appartment in the city and his house in twelve. Really all that just showed how much they love each other.
One of my favorite moments was when they first met. It was funny how they inmediately started fighting; and other when they finally slept together.
Aidah thank you so much for all your wonderful stories, I will miss your writing a lot, thank you for your time and your love for hayffie wich made me fall in love with them as much as you do.
I will keep a track on you on tumblr, I hope you write hayffie again when you fell the inspiration and motivation again.
I hope we can stay in touch on tumblr :)
CanadianIdiot23 chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
LOVED THE STORY! I hope you one day come back to writing Hayffie I always find myself coming back and reading your stories.️
Guest chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
jroseley chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
Great final chapter. I loved the bits in the beginning when they bickered during grocery deliveries and then as they came to terms with their feelings . Your stories will be missed , thank you .
chrisi2503 chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
Once again, happy birthday because it's still your birthday in my time zone. I absolutely loved the story and also the last chapter. I think they found a great way to make everything work. I really hope the fancy strikes once in a while and you'll bless us with a one-shot. I always loved your writing. Take care!
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