Reviews for Ride Along with Hank and Adalind
fictionlover5 chapter 1 . 2/13
oh please keep updating! like another story where Nick does propose! I love your stories!
Perperuna chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
This was interesting also as Hank was one of the Adalind's victims in her quest to get a key. And yes, she was acting on Renard's orders, but still, Hank is still trying to grasp the Wesen thing and it's hard for him, especially since he saw Nick so in love with Juliette earlier. ;)
Ariannegarabito chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
This is so funny
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Well done! thanks again.
thinktink2 chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
OMG OMG! Woke up this morning and there was a new story waiting, notification email insistently saying "read me! read me! who cares about getting ready for work, or working?"

Anyway, slow moment at work I broke down (I have no resistance, really).
Thoughts as I was reading (written down on bright yellow post-its):

Loved the just settling with Adalind line-definitely something someone in their group has to be thinking (though maybe not Monroe and/or Rosalee as they seem to have more insight into Nick's thoughts and conflictions with all that); going with that the assumption maybe their friends would have that there was an expectation or pressure with Nick thinking since it was shared child and space they should get married.

Loved Hank's "Nick fancied them in love" thought. Just loved the line.

Loved Hank comparing Nick's relationship with Juliette and his with Adalind's. The subtext of there's different kinds of love, or pathways to love, and that Hank, going by what he knows with Nick's relationship with Juliette. How that was more "public" - he always knew whenever something was happening there, aware of the milestones in the Nick/Juliette relationship, the very slow and methodical progression between them as a couple, and that not having seen Nick any other way that it would take him by surprise, or maybe not seem to be as genuine with Adalind.

Hanks thoughts on Kelly's being. Would love to hear that conversation too.
the reminder of how Nick was checking her out when he first saw her-how everyone forgets about that! She caught his eye first thing.

Love, love, love hank's argument with her about spilling her insides. "Nick likes my insides." "We were both young and stupid." "It was last year!"

LOL if "we would have had sex back when we first met things would have been completely different." Hint of what's to come in your story? *cheeky grin*

Also loved the "it's not like we woke up one day and thought you know what I'm tired of hating you let's fuck instead" line. LOL.

Hank's thoughts on being loyal to Juliette. He also can't be the only one who struggled with that too, knowing everything that Adalind helped to set into motion against Juliette (and Nick).

Other thoughts: Am I the only one wondering on the show how and why they all seem to have some idea about the intimacy of Nick's relationship with Adalind as he, other than the conversation with Monroe, has never said anything to anyone. I feel like there should be more "Whoa! Wait! What?! You're sleeping with her? You might love her?" I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

Thank you for posting! Squee! Sitting on my lunch hour working on next chapter of mine, seeing as you've upped the ante.
galoomini chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
J'adore vos histoires, elles sont très bien écrites. Le retour du père d'Adalind pourrait être une histoire passionnante:
Pourquoi est-il parti ?
Le père d'Adalind est-il wesen ?
Il est prisonnier de la royauté ou membre de la résistance ?
toddlerteach08 chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
This was very enjoyable seein Hank's pov. I can understand Hank and his wariness in trusting Adalind. I can also understand his loyalty to Juliette. Out of all Nick's friends he knew her the longest and he was least affected by her ire. I also really like how Adalind took it all in stride and didn't take it personally.
alexis chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
seria interessante ver essa interação no show ... legal
HarlowBella chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Loved hearing Hanks thoughts! Such fun to see after his reaction to the ring buying! Would be interesting to read POV from ithe others in our couples life sometime Keep up the great stories! So love your Nick/Adalind stories!