Reviews for Kisses
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much that I spent thirty minutes trying to find it again.
Ward Christian chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Interesting story, very interesting.

Part of me mourns that Harry didn't get happiness with Neville; a little joy for his hardships, if you will. The other part of me, the one that loves Dark Harry stories, liked that he gave some payback to some very deserving people.

I do have a few complaints, but they're just my opinions so feel free to ignore them.

The first was Harry's first victim, it's almost too bad that he didn't choose Ron or Dudley as number one. Dudley obviously for the way he treated Harry but I also said Ron because he is pretty much identical to Draco, just poor. So it would have been more enjoyable, for me, if it had been one of those two.

My second complaint is more a matter of semantics. Harry cast a spell to keep Draco from informing anyone about his actions, but how much does that actually cover? Can someone (like Snape) get the information from his mind, could a potion (like veritaserum) make him write it down, or did the spell act similar to Obliviate, so he can't tell because he doesn't remember? Also, can healers regrow it? It also would have been nice to see their interactions at Hogwarts after that, because Draco's behavior could be as telling as being able to talk.

Overall, this was a very worthwhile read and I thank you for posting it.