Reviews for Ten Months Previously
melancholichannah chapter 30 . 7/13
This is, perhaps, the best POtO story I've ever read. The characterization of the characters was just perfect, whether it may be from Raoul, Nadir, and most especially from Christine and Erik. I love pacing of the story, and it's overall concept. The way you have written all out is unique, and the only thing that I disliked was how the sweet time they have spent together in the ending parts was a tad bit too short. There's charm there, for sure, but after coming such a long way (and it felt long, it was as if I was following the pacing of the story as well), the ending was a bit abrupt. There was still so much conflict between the two in Chapter 29, and I was at the edge of my seat wondering how I'll cope with there being only one chapter left. Then again, this could just be me loving this story and Christine and Erik's journey too much to ever have enough. Either way, thank you for this.
Batty Dings chapter 30 . 6/19
I just love how you keep breathing new life into these characters. You really have a gift for pacing the plot and keeping a reader on the edge of their seat.
I particularly loved all of the Paradise Lost references here.
13teddies13 chapter 30 . 5/19
I still love this story. I love how PoTO can inspire success a range of stories, some fluffy and soft, and some (like this one) dark and complicated. I like the use of flashbacks, so we can see the character growth more quickly, and in retrospect. I love your characterisations, and how Christine figures herself out, but needed time. Thanks for this story
amourdiamante chapter 20 . 5/12
I was reading this chapter in trepidation lmao, just waiting for the shoe to drop. Just as I was beginning to breathe a little easier THAT happens WELL THEN
amourdiamante chapter 11 . 5/12
Holy shit that last part was terrifying. God I just want to pull her out of there
saladass77 chapter 1 . 5/11
This is an amazing story! I recently re-read it and I am still blown away. Very creative and well written- So good!
FleshofMidnight chapter 30 . 4/1
Such a stunning story. Thank you for this!
Guest chapter 30 . 11/6/2019
Wow. I just finished this story for what must have been the 20th time and I still commented along as I went. I love how, even though you adjusted the characters in modern day, you didn’t change their personalities. Your version of Erik was marvellous, not completely nuts yet not overly romanticised like in a lot of other fics. But I think your Christine was the most impressive, having(finally!) a normal, mostly mature personality. And she reacted normally to the different situations, not like a star-struck ingenue most fics make her out to be. Ever since I first read it, I thought one thing: this is equal to an actual book. Alas, change the names and it will become a movie!
bluebirdlady chapter 15 . 8/8/2019
Wow this Erik is really deranged and frightening. I feel like I can't fancy him and this is a first for me ;)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/7/2019
Oh my. Another exquisite story from you! I'm ashamed that I'm only just now discovering it. Wonderful, wonderful. I love your writing!
LDaastrich chapter 30 . 3/15/2019
Loved It!
Layla chapter 30 . 5/31/2018
I’ve just recently been introduced to The Phantom of the Opera, and this was the first fic that I read for it. You’ve really set the bar high, lmao. I would read this up until I was too emotionally/mentally/physically/spiritually drained to keep my eyes open, then wake up and open up this tab first thing. I’ve enjoyed every second of this story, beginning to end. I apologize for not commenting AS I read, so i could reference certain points of the story and bring up direct quotes, but as I said before, I HAD to know what happened next by the end of every chapter.
I appreciate you not drastically changing the characters so you could twist them into a cookie cutter plot line, and I REALLY appreciate Nadir’s undying sass. Hell, EVERYONE’S sass.
I wish I could be more coherent and put this review into a more eloquent way, but alas, I am no poet. So instead you shall fall victim to my late night ramblings.
The way you dragged out Christine’s emotional turmoil and confusion? NICE. Erik’s turmoil and emotional confusion, awkwardness, temper, sass, sarcasm and dry humor? NICE. Switching of the points of view to get different sides of everything going on and ultimately giving a lot more depth to the story and characters? NICE. Constant blushing and stuttering? NICE. The way you made Christine a real human person by having her make mistakes instead of making her a flawless superior being? NICE. Nadir and Erik’s relationship? NICE. The way you didn’t make Raoul a cruel and unforgiving and monstrous douche even though he wasn’t a part of the main pairing? FUCKING YES.
Thank you so so much for completing the story and putting forth all of the time and effort that you did (which was undoubtedly a TON of both). I will certainly be taking a peek at your other publications.
mlle. fantome chapter 30 . 3/22/2018
sigh. this was great. my main complaint is mainly at myself, for finding this so enthralling i read this straight through and now it's tomorrow and i absolutely should have been doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE fml anyway thanks for writing this and wish i had better self control lmao
mlle. fantome chapter 22 . 3/22/2018
oh fuck.
oh god oh god oh no
jesus fuck poor christine to end up a prisoner TWICE
jfc at least erik didn't want to hurt her just keep her
also does erik even get the pics he smashed his laptop so
mlle. fantome chapter 19 . 3/22/2018
you know, i'm really really enjoying christine: private eye. i also like the interspersal of what happened between erik and christine and everything else with the present day.
i'm also so happy for christine that she seems...a tiny bit better adjusted? she has a cat, she has a job and an apartment and music. obviously she's still a mess, but she's a little more stable at least, and i'm glad of that.
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