Reviews for Harry Potter and the Sinful Family
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 3 . 8/24
I hope Harry takes after Envy! :D

And NO... not just because Envy is hot as Hell! Or his attitude is hot as hell. Or his desire to kills humans is hot as hell... *Chough* Where was I?

Right! Harry should totally take after Envy! *Nods seriously* In part because the look on the old goats face would be PRICELESS! xD

Also, let's face it, the wizarding world could definitly do with some healthy pest-control and extermination.

...I wonder how Envy would react to Zabini's mother, the rumored "Black widow"... or Tonks. They have a few things in common. Lol
bella.beau.14 chapter 4 . 5/29
love it.
Moonstruck Blossom chapter 4 . 5/18
This has probably been abandoned by now, but I have to say that this story is really great so far and I like it a whole lot. If you ever decide to pick it back up, it'd be even greater.
Foxie3366 chapter 4 . 8/22/2019
Is this story still being updated because I can’t wait for more
YamiMana chapter 4 . 3/20/2019
Honestly, this is amazing, and the most original crossovers for Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist that I've ever read. And now they're finally at Hogwarts!
Out of curiosity, how close to the original harry potter canon are you planning to stick to? I've seen too many crossovers that add strong characters to the story from another show and yet never divert far from original events.
A Professional Grave Robber chapter 4 . 1/12/2019
Please write more
Yuna chapter 4 . 8/28/2018
I totally love this story, I can't wait to read more
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 4 . 6/23/2018
more please this story is fantastic and i would love to read the rest of this incredible story :3
AlmAno chapter 4 . 6/22/2018
I was trying for ages to find a good crossover to read between Harry Potter and FMA, I think I got it, all thanks to you
especially one that's not a Yaoi... (nothing against, just not my thing)

If you allow me a little "bad point" however, Sloth is supposed to be here with Lust and co, as Harry obviously know him (compare Hagrid to him at least) but he doesn't take part of the story ? :/ also, Gluttony absence is explained, but not Wrath and it doesn't seem right to me since every Homunculi are dead in FMA world and got a second chance by Truth...

Anyway, looking forward to read the following chapter when they come :)
Franaletorres chapter 4 . 4/18/2018
Sooo... are u still writing or what, pls answer here
Lina chapter 4 . 3/4/2018
I really like this work! Please write more!
dveth chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
The first two paragraphs of the story do not contain any grammatically correct sentences. It's a very bad start.
slyside chapter 4 . 1/27/2018
Like it love it continue it please this is great can't wait for the next chapter sorry for the short review but I gotta go so bye for now and good night ps this was way better then I thought it would be and I hope u update soon.
CrimsonPrincev chapter 4 . 1/22/2018
This is really good, so I’m not surprised that it has gotten popular. I personally can’t wait for the next chapter. So, have a lovely day!
grievousrommel chapter 4 . 1/6/2018
Harry with Sins as his family, with Envy at Hogwarts...favorite.

Now where is that lounge chair and popcorn?
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