Reviews for My Twin, the Monster
FlowerChild23 chapter 8 . 5/1/2017
lol. this should be very interesting.
caring16 chapter 8 . 3/25/2017
truth be told i would like to see them do more, i mean so what they get dropped like a hat, their parents don't really give a crap so to me they shouldnt really be bothred by being disowned as the idiot adults are to busy havign their heads up their back sides, anyway hope to see another chapter sometime, also haters will hate no matter what you put they like to complain moan and groan over ever little bit, if i was you i'd just ignore them useless cowards. but that's just me. have a lovely night
MusicOfMadness chapter 8 . 3/23/2017
Good to see you back at writing, but also, lol that hate reviewer's name. PussyDestroyer69, really? Says more about the person than anything. Anyway, great job on the chapter!
1fallenangel7 chapter 7 . 1/10/2017
While I have to admit both of their personalities irritate me just a bit, this story is still very well written and I look forward to reading more of it!
PussyDestroyer69 chapter 7 . 1/1/2017
This story is literally so shitty. Not even kidding, its not good, its cringy and its not fucking original whatsoever. Get a life and write better shit because you're getting nowhere in life, bitch.
Queen-of-Ice101 chapter 4 . 6/11/2016
Haha that was a amusing end. I'm looking forward to the next chapter;)
Queen-of-Ice101 chapter 3 . 6/4/2016
Interesting concept. I'm looking forward to seeing where your taking this as well as learning what caused the ruined relationship between the girls.
MusicOfMadness chapter 2 . 5/31/2016
Oh man, I think both of them interacting with each other would make me snap, but that just shows how well you wrote their hatred for each other. I think Kasuko is a bit of a loser, being a deadbeat drunkard is not exactly great, but she's a colorful character alright. Same with Kasumi having a pole up her butt. I think your story is super interesting since your twins seem to legitimately hate each other. Update soon please!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2016
I love it! Keep writing!