Reviews for Minigolf
SeraphinaDreamer chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Oh Gosh, sounds like the ole into the closet theme. What ever happens in there stays in there. . . (_~)
KiKiLoVedOnO chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
I love how Helga is slowly turning Arnold into a stalker, too, lol. Great story, I really enjoyed it :)
celrock chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
Awe, what a lovely story! Loved how Arnold confessed to Helga, and they shared a kiss with one another inside the fake pirate ship.

As always, keep up the great writing!
SexyChief chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
I liked it, very humorous, seems like something that would happen.
Helga would be over the top because her feelings are stronger and she's been waiting for so long. But they're young and the careful/logical Arnold isn't going to want to move things too far.
He seems mortified about the idea of kissing, how old is he lool?
This is cute though, they're only kids no need to rush.