Reviews for Sitting on a bench
Jonn Wolfe chapter 4 . 7/23
This was fantastic. I just wish there was more of the story. Thanks for writing!
Mpower0438 chapter 4 . 6/19
I enjoyed this and hopefully one day you will be able to do something similar with other pairings. Thank you for your hard work on this little story.
Mechtogan chapter 2 . 5/21
I wonder how hard Akeno came at nyx’s treatment of Kokabiel
NazgulBelserion chapter 4 . 5/2
Kind of bummed that Kuroka isn't with him also
PurpleArrowhead chapter 2 . 4/6
you are the only person who acknowledged that Harry killed his first guy at eleven. thank you
PurpleArrowhead chapter 4 . 4/6
I loved this story, also those author's notes at the end of chapter are the BEST! the way you use logic to defeat wizard questions is fabulous
Majerus chapter 4 . 4/5
Well, it seemed odd to allow them to know about devils without ensuring that they wouldn't be causing trouble with that information, especially doing it so... bluntly.
I accept that he would want his old friends to accept his new friends/family for who they are. (Though the discretion regarding dragon gods and goddess of death seems pretty reasonable :D)
At least there is clarity on the situation with Akeno, even if the glare Shirone sent her way belies the supposed acceptance the wife has for the mistress.
This was an entertaining story, and I'm glad I read it. Thanks for sharing!
Majerus chapter 3 . 4/5
Huh, well, definitely far less than I was hoping for, especially given the epic length of Ch's 1 & 2. That said, it was nice to see them marry and I totally agree with his reasoning for not including his British friends... except Hermione.
I think it would have been both the best act of friendship AND the best prank ever to let her attend and blow her mind with all that was out there beyond her imagination - but only after a vow of secrecy :D
Majerus chapter 2 . 4/5
First of all, I'm glad you didn't get graphic with the sex. I wandered into this because of the HP angle, not realizing who he would be in a relationship with - or to the point, her loli status.
Their relationship took thousands of words and half a year to get to sexual intimacy, which is slow to jump into sex for the majority of mundane humans, let alone a devil-cat-girl.
Which takes us to the confusing, and in my estimation, first big failure of your story thus far. I would prefer that their relationship remain monogamous, though you've really muddled through the Queen's advancement into... well, honestly I have no idea what is going on there.
Before anything else, why would Harry have to accept Akeno's advances, why couldn't he just say 'no'? This is especially important to answer since he's clearly not interested in another woman, especially as that would mean hurting Shirone? You totally glossed over Harry's part in that single interaction that has a huge (though completely ignored since then) impact on Harry's life.
This brings up the HOW of the triad (for lack of a different term, since that's another thing you ignored). Since Shirone seems to have stated Akeno's place with Harry as fact without his input, why didn't you make that a scene where the importance of communication was emphasized. If they really are together sexually, are they a triad, with Shirone having primacy as mate, or something else?

I'm super happy that, even with months of training, Harry et-al are not "Uber". More powerful than Dumbles or Voldy, that's fine because it's all relative and you've made it clear that the powers ranking above are much greater than wizards could attain on their own. He may be approaching Merlin's level (or perhaps even surpassed it?) yet that doesn't mean he's above a demi-god or any of the many Powers in the story's world.
I would like to see some more detail in the combat, but maybe that's not your style... I just thought I'd ask - for future stories :)
OK, that's my ramble, on to ch 3!
Majerus chapter 1 . 4/5
Fun concept, especially the goddess of death being bound to the Hallows.
I like the effort you put into developing the background and the time you put into explaining some of the actions going on (both foreground and behind the scenes/past motivations).
The sheer amount of effort you've put into this clearly shows how much you enjoy both sources and makes for a really fun to read story!
Seraphy64 chapter 1 . 3/13
Everything was going great until berserk harry was put down like a dog. Started losing interest in the story then.
dylansandy1993 chapter 2 . 2/27
so I like this story, read it long ago and probably already commented then.

While Harry was depicted very similar to his Canon self. Canon should have been called "Hermione Granger carrying two wastes of space through life" rather than "Harry Potter and the. This should show my opinion of Canon Harry Potter.

He legitimately has Magic. Enough said. To explain further would be to rant and rave about how Fanfiction authors are the "only" group to go further and postulate on even the simple things like fixing Harry's eyesight. How runes, alchemy, potions or magic alters a body. How ritual magic could/might or should be even in canon Harry Potter.

After all, why is astronomy a core class for all Hogwarts students?

Core classes are; Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Astronomy, History of magic and "Defense against the dark artsthe last of which is obviously "Emotion magic". Harry uses... stupify, expelliarmus, and the patronous charm and sometimes Accio.

Obviously, Astronomy, Herbology, Potions, Runes, Arithmancy and Divination are the foundation for all magic in Rowling's universe. All of the above are the fundamentals to ritual magic. While Magical creatures are obviously examples of ritual magic effects.

The reason why Harry can't, is because he cripples himself constantly from his efforts to be forgotten and ignored and unimportant and normal. He never improves himself in any qualitative way because he would become a freak (or require more thought to write about).

If this story was to be longer, I would expect more from Harry. More from why he can't use his Magic or the differences between systems. Personally its not hard, simply suggest that it's a different dimension and magic operates on different principles. How it doesn't matter the phase of the moon except for binding a familiar.

It's why I like the Harry Potter Fanfiction stories; they tend to delve into the nitty gritty details or develop more details on the mechanics of everything from magic to technology.

Personally, Wizarding world magic isn't weak, Avada Kadava is literally an insta-kill spell that "can't be blockedexcept it can.. somehow... The spells are simply tools and aren't measured in "power" like anime spells. So seeing the X being, Avada Kadava ends even gods. Or anything that is weaker than Ophis and Great Red. Why would he use any spell like Bombarda, that wouldn't even harm an angel, would expelliarmus disarm an angel by removing it's wings, might the spell literally dis-arm the creature if overpowered?

Like I said, it's a different magic system and therefore much of its capabilities are really not explored well in the original stories.
TheLazyWordSmyth chapter 4 . 12/18/2019
I feel that it’s less that you’re exaggerating Hermione, Molly, and Ron’s personality flaws, it’s just that a majority of other authors tend to downplay them unless it’s a bashing fic in which they’re usually portrayed as half-again as worse as they are here. So after being more accustomed to the crests and valleys of their characters, the middle ground likely either feels like it’s bashing for those used to the valleys, and likely flies under the RADAR of people used to the crests.

I absolutely loved this story! I’d love to see a series of other omake of pivotal events before and after this epilogue!
Tsukoblue chapter 4 . 11/18/2019
This is a great story but it would have been better if you didn’t skip most of HS DxD canon
Chyllen chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
Some of the explanations in the story sounded to me like you were justifying their actions to head off any hard criticism before it began in the comments Wich in my opinion was not need it just made for a longer word count lol and me skipping it you should trust that most readers could not care less about that it's your story you know it's good and even if it's not it's still your story be proud at least you write... Believe me I have written some scathing reviews just because some part of how they have written thier story annoyed me but I would hope that even then that the author would not give up on writing but becomes better
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