Reviews for Convict
Kingkoa chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
Seeing as its been a year I don't think you'll update this
guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
Ooh I really like this so far! It was really interesting and I feel like the characters reacted perfectly given the situation. I hope you update!
olTran chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Interesting Start. Certainly got me hooked.

I really like how for once, the rest of team RWBY believes Ruby to innocent. Usually at least 1 of them doesn't. . . And to be honest I was totally expecting Weiss to not believe Ruby since that kinda happens in most fan fictions like this. But i was pleasantly surprised that she did. You even went as far to show she truly cares about her partner by looking into this herself while keeping her as in character as possible. That's honestly what got me.

So big props man. Looking forward to more updates.