Reviews for Masked Stranger
Renascentia ignis chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
I enjoy reading this oneshot and I'm glad to see you writing again! The superhero prompt fits pretty well with Encourageshipping. I love the twist at the end where it's ambiguous and the readers can interpret whether Yugi is a superhero.
LadyRaider92 chapter 1 . 6/4/2016
This was an awesome one-shot that has me wanting it to be a longer story. There is so much that needs details explained :-)
I hope you take it as a suggestion, this is your story and I will not be disappointed if you leave it as a one-shot :-)
angiembabe chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
Welcome back. I was wondering where you were!
That was very sweet. It felt like the early manga, when Yugi's alter ego was more like a superhero than a Pharaoh.
The comparison between the two kisses was good. I also imagine they would kiss slightly differently, even though they share the same body.
The Duelist's Heiress chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
This was really cute. Loved it.

I think they'd make awesome superheroes!

mysticminou chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Spiderman. That's what came to mind. The part where MJ was kissing him in alley. Your descriptions have gotten much stronger and more vivid (if possible.)