Reviews for With You
Bevey99 chapter 8 . 8/9/2019
Really interesting story, a lot of time jumps. So how did Edward go from being almost 40 and bit older than Bella, to 35 and the same age as Bella and now this chapter he's only 32. He must be Benjamin Button.
Longing to Write chapter 20 . 9/16/2018
I go back to this story every month or so, I keep hoping you will come back and finish. I really want to see how you will get these two to communicate and Bella to believe Edward loves her and wants her and Caleb.

Please finish this story.
TeamAllTwilight chapter 22 . 5/13/2018
Please finish this wonderful story ... PLEASE.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/22/2018
smith041 chapter 22 . 1/11/2018
The story is great, but a up-date would be awesome
teacher1209 chapter 22 . 11/21/2017
Just read this straight though and I LOVE IT! I hope you will be able to update soon.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/14/2017
You hear that Bella? You are always in Edwards thoughts! He was thinking of you when he kicked you out and committed adultery with Irina! Doesn't that make you feel better about the whole situation?

He was thinking of you when he decided to sue you! Awww, how thoughtful.

Oh does he mean now? Now she's in his thoughts? LOL. Huh, funny how things can change so quickly isn't it.

Oh, and I liked how he explained away Irina as if she was just a buffer. And not the woman he fucked that night. He's been with Tanya and Irina. Do you think he has fucked his way through all the characters of twilight? I sure do!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
His "I'm sorrys" were underwhelming and disappointing. It didn't seem heart felt. Like it was just something to say so that he can have his way now.

And I really don't understand why Bella let him in her house. That man is NOT a father...hes ...nothing.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/14/2017
Why is she "his" bella all of a sudden? She wasn't his in highschool when she had a crush on him...he didn't seem to care about her AT ALL...she wasn't his after they had sex..again he didn't care about her AT ALL...she wasn't his when they were married...AGAIN he didn't care about her AT I don't understand why he wants her now...

I just don't get it. What he wanted her but he wasn't to spend 20 years fucking anything that moved first? How is that all Bella deserves? Some used up hoe? I don't think so. It doesn't matter what Edward does or says there is simply no redemption for the things hes done.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/14/2017
I don't get it. Why would bella agree to having this prick in her home? Does she not remember him fucking having her served with court papers?

I would have told him to go fuck himself. Also bella isn't a nurse, she wouldn't be changing is bandages like that. Nor would she be attending to him after he left the hospital. So why would he put that in his request to stay at her house? It would be easier for you to attend Why would she do that AT ALL? You fucking prick manwhore! NO THANKS
Guest chapter 8 . 9/14/2017
How could she possibly still love Edward? After all the horrible things he's done? How he's treated and disrespected her? After the things he said after he married her and then cheating on her with irina so callously? After filing to sue her? I would be hoping he died honestly. That would solve a few problems for her.

Also I find it strange that the hospital would be "wasting" o- blood when o is in abundance and can be even to all blood types except o-. And Bella just happens to have the same blood convenient! It was also convenient that she got Edward as a patient.

Do you really think it added anything to the story, having her give him blood? Cause I feel like it didn't add anything. I just rolled my eyes at how stupid that part was and how very unlikely.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/14/2017
Does Bella usually let a 5 year old dictate who is allowed in her home?

that was where bella should have said caleb, this man is not my friend and he will not be coming in our house. Now go to your room while I talk to him, NOW...Edward? Please get the fuck away from my house and don't come back...thanks ever so much.

oh no, sorry Edward. I know you fuck whores but I don't...BOY BYE!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/14/2017
So bella has liked Edward ALL her life...watched him whore it rejected by him in highschool...then again when he was 30 (when they got married) he continued to whore around ...bella left and had his kid...and your saying NOW he wants her? Ohhhh fuck that! seriously...FUCK THAT!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/14/2017
oh how original another story about unrequinted crushes, love, and surprise surprise Edwards a whore. Sound like almost EVERY story you've read lately? Yup me too.
kmfroggi chapter 22 . 9/9/2017
This story is amazingly good! Can't wait for more!
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