Reviews for The Crest of Tattoos
Gadget30thAnniversery chapter 1 . 5/28
Not Bad I think the idea of the Digidestined getting their crests tattooed on them is an ideal thing for them to do they are embedded with the power of the crests plus I found the rest saying T.K and Kari should date hilarious

Really good story
strawberry-e chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
Great story!
I like how Kari's displeasure regarding the tattoo turns into her getting one, as well. The change in her thoughts was well described and logical.
The last sentence was the best, though, and really made me laugh :D
I'm sure that eceryone was thinking what Tai said out loud xD

Hearts Takeru chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
this is adorable, thanks for sharing it!
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
It makes sense that they would want their crests tattooed on them like that and I'm glad that Kari finally understood TK's reasons behind it. It's a nice twist that she decided to get a tattoo of her own too to symbolise everything they went through in the Digital World. The teasing from their friends and brothers at the end was good as well. This another great one-shot from you that I really enjoyed reading :D
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 6/15/2016
You know, this does remind me of your old story, "Rebel Love Song". There is a similar kind of feel to it, even if your writing now has greatly improved from what you wrote way back when. There is always a bit of charm to young rebellion.
SeventhTatar chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
OOOOOH I have thought about getting the crest of Hope tattoo'd somewhere, but I can't think of where on earth I would want it. This was really cute and yeah, they can probably start dating now hahah!
Bond16 chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
That was quite cute, I must say. I wouldn't wanna push you towards writing a sequel, but I think it could be cool and you have a good style of writing.