Reviews for Leah's Escape
ploiuiu chapter 1 . 4/21/2019
OMG yesterday before updating and review my story, I was reading yours and I was jumping up and down! OMG! Like it's very hard to find fanfic lately like this and I'm surprised Seth, Emily or Sam are not in the "characters choices". Anyway! OMG Seth did it! He was good brother, I was like yes yes yes. I'll review the second installment of the series but I read all! OMG
I never thought Old Quil would react like this, normally he's the mean guy with the old tradition, the fact that he stood up like that is amazing!
OMG, I don't know whether to pity Sam or believe that like Old Quil said: she manipulated the bond already to have what she want and she was so much twisted than Kim that she made him forget about Lee-Lee so much that even if he fights, Sam would unable to fight.
Did they ever tell, the council, that Sam being impacted by the bond? Or just Emily, that didn't help Sam to prevent or fight harder because he didn't know, unlike Jared who hears it all and fights it quickly!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
Ilena Petrova chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
Why the heck did you not continue. This is a really fantastic start
Aunt Bran chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
Wow - strong stuff! I love the raw emotions you show here, and I hope with time that Leah will forgive her family (if not forget!) I always thought Sam gave in too easily, especially since an imprint didn't have to be romantic - but your Sam is what I like to call a steaming turd! And Emily is worse! Nicely done :)
uffauffauffa chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
Poor LEAH. In addition to the "betrayal" of Sam and his cousin, she must also fight with his family. Unlike Bella who had both her father and Jacob next door, LEAH had no one. At least her family, at least they. Instead, they ask her to be happy about their happiness. Happiness built on the pain of LEAH. They are very selfish to ask for this. Not to mention the secrets that them hiding... how LEAH discovered Sam and Emily in his room. And the day they decide to announce their engagement then? Both Sam and Emily no longer think of LEAH. Is important only their happiness. For everyone it only counts them this. The imprinting was the first humiliation for LEAH and then all the others came. Emily then tries to get LEAH's approval after her betrayal. She could choose what kind of bond to have with Sam but for envy to his cousin, Emily choose to be Sam's girlfriend. So he made sure to make love to him on the bed of his cousin, he made himself choose 31 July ... LEAH do good at run away from all that hypocrisy and wickedness.
I can not love Emily (and Sam) of the saga, but here in your story, she is really hateful, bitch and calculator. Fortunately, there is Seth. Here I really like, as the elders who are on the side of LEAH. Instead I hate imprinting for the evil he did to LEAH. And yet, Sam still tries something for LEAH as he is afraid that somebody in the pack may have imprinting with her. What a shame.

I hope to find someone who can translate the story for it should be to enjoy it better.
P.S. Here's the scandalous part: Do you want to read my story on LEAH (translated with Google and correct even worse)? The story is understandable.
Contradiction21 chapter 1 . 1/4/2017
I absolutely loved this! I love your spin on the imprint, what an awesome way to change it up. I've always thought that whole "soul mate, moronically in love" concept was kinda butt. I can't wait to start reading the next installment. Shame on Emily!
s m Neal chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
This was good and actually made more sense about imprinting.
ShadowCub chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
It seems that you are hinting that Sam had no choice...and that's sad. Sam didn't care about Leah and the fact that Leah stayed to take bullshit from everyone is astounding in canon.
cutieswetee89 chapter 1 . 6/10/2016
I want it to be Leah/Edward
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
I usually prefer a multi-chapter story (even if it's just 2 or 3) than many oneshots I have to hunt down. Especially if you need the first in order to get the others. Besides, if you don't add chapters to this then the summary is rather misleading as it hints at stuff that didn't happen.

Anyway, as for the story itself it's really cool. Hate to see Leah suffer, but hopefully with time she'll see this as a blessing in disguise for dodging the bullet that being married to Sam would have been. And I hope she'll meet someone else after she's fled to college.
EJM87 chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
Really nice story. I do not usually read leah related stories but this one caught my eye. I really loved how you showed the emotional side of Leah as well as the tougher side of her. I never did like the Sam / Emily imprint and it is nice to see that you show a different side to Emily as well

. I kind of felt really bad for leahs family and the pack too little too late. I hope they can somehow ignore the alpha order and make it up to leah. I would love for one of the pack to imprint on her...

I have a feeling I maybe wrong that one of the pack has a fake imprint if that makes sense. Maybe because they've been ordered to stay away from her they haven't felt it yet.

Part of me thinks sams feeling bad and Emily does not. Leah should be allowed to get away for few days breathing space. Awesome story. Update soon as I am on tenterhooks to see what happens. :-)
Ash chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
I would say that they FINALLY get it. But Leah did not phase it in this story. Good.

Now ... You mentioned the final instalment of Leah's escape? EXCUSE ME?! There's more somewhere?! WHERE!
Silver chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Love it.
Will wait to see how you go on with the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Love it. Hate what imprinting done to Leah.
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