Reviews for Frost and Fire
Nina Vale chapter 31 . 11/15/2016
this was sweet, and the first paragraph was funny 'emperor is dead, cinder is dead and...a wedding!'
Nina Vale chapter 30 . 10/2/2016
And a happy ending. Pyrrha is ok which is great because well I like the girl(ok, maybe she's not my top 5 but I like her) and she makes Ruby happy so yay! This was a very, very good story. I enjoy Fantasy so fantasy!AUs are welcomed. You had the characters pinned down very well, and I liked the way you build the world and made Cinder a villian in the last part, focusing more on Papa Schnee I've noticed that in some fics he isn't portrayed as a bad person, he's portrayed as someone whose 'just a bit strict' and 'tried of the eeevill WF, and that's why snapped few times' or even as a father that knows his daughters are good and accepts their choices and so forth. Generally I met a lot of times with portrayal 'strict but good father' which is sort of in opposition to what the show has told us so far with White Trailer, Weiss actual introduction in vol.1 when Blake speaks of her company, with the argument Weiss had with Blake when we find out of the Faunus slavery labour and Weiss's 'difficult childhood' which implies abuse, then Weiss's own admition that her father's business practices are bad and that the company has sunken really low during his leadership, and even volume 3 and the way Weiss acts there, correcting herself in front of Winter, and the reveal she has went to Beacon against her father's will and that she won't even pick up phone from him and that he actually blocked her credit card and cut her off her means of living to force her to come back or call him and it is strongly implied he didn't want Winter in the military either and did same thing to her. He cut off his children of means of living to punish them and make them do what he wants. That's abuse.
Anyhow as I've said I LOVED your portryal of him and I liked the BeeSchnees as the endgame. I like both Freezburn and Bees...I might have reservations only towards monochrome since Weiss was a huge racist for quite a time, so I always side-eyed a ship with her and minority she discirminates against but since here she doesn't it's not a problem.
Despite Nuts & Dolts being my Ruby main ship I also enjoyed Pyrrha and Ruby, they would work well together.
RealTerminal chapter 30 . 10/2/2016
Booo! No explosion.
Nina Vale chapter 29 . 9/28/2016
oh my...
Nina Vale chapter 28 . 9/25/2016
Oh my ! Things did turn ugly and I like the nod towards canon in Pyrrha vs. Cinder and the outcome of it with her being cursed. Nicely done. I also like how neatly you've weaved Salem in. Nice.
Sorry if you won't be able to reply to this review or see it in reviews section, today seems to have problems with that again...
Nina Vale chapter 27 . 9/21/2016
oh Nora...
UnitedOsprey1991 chapter 26 . 9/18/2016
Willow I don't think is staying dead. But what does Cinder have planned
Nina Vale chapter 26 . 9/18/2016
Poor Winter! I know she's dead but Jesus! and while I know this is Fire Emblem inspired all I could think when I read that Papa Schnee got mad was Song of Ice and Fire and Aerys, I mean he was a king who went mad and had to be killed(but what happened along was atrocious with Elia and her children) and it only is strengthened by the fact Schnees have white hair quite like Targaryens. It was another excellent chapter.
Nina Vale chapter 25 . 9/14/2016
aww the ending was cute and poor Neo! I felt just as sorry for her as I had when Roman died...I mean idk how she'd react but seeing her expression when she was carried away it seemed like she did care so...and Blake's backstory is cool.
UnitedOsprey1991 chapter 25 . 9/14/2016
There is always a tragic story for dancers. Good story for Blake
UnitedOsprey1991 chapter 24 . 9/11/2016
Does this relate to Neos Mute status or something else. And yeah I thought the picnic was too restrained
Nina Vale chapter 24 . 9/11/2016
I love Creal and Milk or whatever this ship is called it's so...frigging PURE. Pyrrha is perfect for Ruby, she is mature enough but not TOO mature(if you catch my meaning) and she is patient and kind so she would show Ruby a lot of care and help(this is reason why I can't see Whiterose working. Weiss gets annoyed far to easily and she can't stand immaturity, or at least lack of maturity to her own level). Adam did deserve that, I must sadly admit(*sniff* I kind of used to like him as a militiant and angry revolutionary who got forced into fighting for Cinder because he cared about his men, but then he turned out to be abusive prick and all that went out of the window). So now it's for Roman...I see this is a reference to the original show where he hinted that he's working with Cinder because he is afraid of her, and that she probably threatened him in some way. I mean all this talk about surviving and stuff.
Nina Vale chapter 23 . 9/7/2016
Weiss speaking the words of wisdom and giving people a push! this was a good chapter, and I liked Ruby's dress AND the scene between Yang-Blake-Weiss was rather sweet, the poor girl has lost so much...but she needs to hold on.
UnitedOsprey1991 chapter 23 . 9/7/2016
Why can't Weiss be that emotional in canon. And now we have Dutchess Rose so this is a call back to Lyn
UnitedOsprey1991 chapter 22 . 8/28/2016
Damn man you killed Winter. We'll it's better than Immolation. So now we have to worry about well everything else
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