Reviews for Chaos and Alpha
BarneyusADinosaur chapter 6 . 2/16
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2/2019
Walang susuko sa phillipinas mga kapatid fillipino forever
Your buddy chapter 6 . 4/5/2019
I love your story it has so much potential, too though. I really hope you make a new cha
New chapter soon because so far all of them are great! Oh almost forgot, can
You try to add these things in?
Please don't make a war between chaos and order, so many other people do it
And I don't think its original. And last, please keep it ORIGINAL,I hate copycats.
. PS. I'm going to use "your buddy" as my name for now; might see some of you
-ur other story's so keep an eye out for me ok? Your pal, Buddy. :D
AllIdiotsMustDie chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Guilty or not. I'm still calling you 'Prick' in my head, Tommy boy
Roland's Blade chapter 6 . 1/27/2018
Could we have a flashback story of what happened during the time in Alphas army and when he left camp? This story feels like a sequel instead of the first in a series
W1ll1m1234 chapter 6 . 8/11/2016
please update. this is interesting.
Lady.Luci.Lucifer chapter 6 . 7/4/2016
Omg I have her problem... Daydreaming then walking into stuff!
musicalsareallthatmatter chapter 2 . 7/4/2016
I really likethe toy, but I do think you could work on things like tenses etc (you changed tenses a few times in the one sentence, which is something that could easily be changed.)
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2016
Sophia is spike, squad 13's vanguard. She is also a daughter of Poseidon which makes her and her brother a sibling of Percy. She came from the country Philippines where poverty has taken its toll on the citizens. She was found by Percy when she was 11 yrs old in the city of Manila.
Ms. Chenandler Bong chapter 3 . 7/4/2016
Draconic king chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
Whos sophia
tris10hendrick chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
You know, you should update more
tris10hendrick chapter 4 . 6/24/2016
Hey dude, are the squad 13th names from overwatch? Also i like this story and pls update often. Keep up the good work!
Draconic king chapter 4 . 6/18/2016
I love it
ChaosAlpha5 chapter 3 . 6/13/2016
keep te chapters rollin cuz i like it... no that was a lie, i am in love with it. i also liked that there was a part that was filipino? pilipino ka ba?
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