Reviews for The Day Breaks Over Ironrath
Ikasuki chapter 5 . 7/22/2019
Ok so... fisrt thing first, as entertaining as this might be as a story... Why in the flying F is nagato not using Yahiko body?

The wole point of having his deva âth as a proxy is to use a symbol, not onkly his god delusion, but it is a charismatic, strong and powerfull figure... Nagato would never walk (he can't walk but even if he could) he wouldn't walk his frail body for the world to see. even the akastuki memebrs do'nt know his real face and who he is... so he would NOT show his face to people that can't even use chakra... having lord and a castle to control? Henge, killing,illusion and body swap (exactly what they have done during the WHOLE naruto serie) the problem isn't that they can"t... but that they won't because there woild be no story to tell... but at the same time not doing it make them go completly out of character (problem with overpowered charca in a weaker seting)...

The answer as to why they arn't doing intelligent, efficient and quick thing is because the anwser would be well that would be too quick and not that much interersting right? Bu that's the author poitn of view. Not the charcaters point of view.
saoyuuki12 chapter 6 . 6/27/2019
Erza chapter 6 . 6/2/2019
This is so well written i hope u continue its not easy to find stories as good as this one :)
NotSponsored chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
Great fic so far, I'm glad you don't just have the Akatsuki members going around beating everyone into submission, something that would be incredibly stupid if they wanted to build Westeros into a strong nation loyal to them. If they want to recruit and train people while also using their resources for their purposes they'll have to uplift them, something that would be pretty difficult if they ruled through fear.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/2/2019
Update. And will this book be all books from song of ice and fire or just one book in the series?
N2 chapter 6 . 12/27/2018
Please continue and please update more regularly if possible.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/24/2018
This is very interesting I can't wait to read what happens next. I know that this is an Akatsuki story, but I think it would be cool if you sometimes did the story from the p.o.v. of some of the other characters as well like Rodrick, Talia, Royland, Mira, Snow, Dragon Lady, way we could see some of their thoughts on the akatsuki and other things they might be doing. That's just a thought. Keep up the good work!
F3mi chapter 6 . 10/9/2018
I really love it so far. I just wish there would be more fights or more chapters. You really seem to know the Akatstuki members well. They are all in character. Good job there.
One thing though, when Pain uses those black chakra receivers he usually brings out just one and not two. It even looks cooler that way.
Till next time.
wen.vallejos chapter 6 . 9/23/2018
Guest chapter 6 . 9/10/2018
UMm its interesting but nagato can just life wipe all westeros by himself ;/
Guest chapter 6 . 8/29/2018
Terrible. Akatsuki behaving like spectators. I want to see Pain unleashing Shinra Tensei. Not this "I am a terrible author" crap
Paradox009 chapter 6 . 8/20/2018
Great chapter. Do keep up the good work. It's very well written as usual. Looking forward to reading more, hope you update soon.
BlueSnake19 chapter 6 . 8/19/2018
I love you. How’s that for fuel. Premium m, diesel grade, kick-ass grade fuel.

Keep this shit up. Loving the intrigue. Can’t wait to see how the Akatsuki gang deal with the unfolding shit around their schemes.

Grammar issues but eh. You have the knack for narrative exposition without disrupting flow. Like writing out the thoughts of the characters without actually specifying it. It’s the stuff of more professional and better writers. So kudos.
HallowedExistence chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
I like the premise of the story but it's annoying how you only translate some of the Jutsu. Don't translate them, just leave them, or at most put the translation in brackets after the Justu or at the end.
My Story Sounds Edgy But Isn't chapter 6 . 8/19/2018
The politics and play in the newest chapter were especially enjoyable, keep up the great work!
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