Reviews for A Thread Through the Labyrinth
A True Oncer chapter 36 . 6/14
This was the perfect ending! I loved it! I love that Belle was happy and that Reynard was 100% healthy. Ariadne was amazing. This whole story was amazing! I'm so glad I read it!
A True Oncer chapter 35 . 6/14
I cried. This was so sad, but so well written! I kept telling myself Ariadne would be okay, but as the chapter went on, I slowly doubted myself. And then everything was okay, and I sighed a huge sigh of relief. This chapter truly was a grand finale!
A True Oncer chapter 34 . 6/13
Ariadne! No! Oh, my gosh! This was a crazy chapter! Rumple gave up everything. And Milah! You were right, it fits with the whole Once Upon a Time theme of everyone being related. I loved it!
A True Oncer chapter 33 . 6/13
I looooved this! Emma trusting Killian with the shot to kill the hydra was awesome! You write their relationship so well! Oh, and the small little wedding-that was beautiful! I loved it so much!
A True Oncer chapter 31 . 6/13
I loved this! I wish we had more closure with the whole Killian-killed-David's-father thing. I'm really glad you put your own spin on it! I'm so happy I started reading this again!
KELS B chapter 36 . 4/6
Great story, so happy you finished!
Emilee Amethyst chapter 36 . 4/4
Wow, thank you for this chapter! What a wonderful follow up. Emma summed it up with "a perfect chaos". I loved all those kids running around and little ones close by. Killian is a wonderful dad, and he's good with the other kids too. After everything, it's so good to see everyone living their lives and being happy/normal. From Belle and Jefferson, to the Charmings, to Lily and Graham. Great and nicely wrapped up ending. I enjoyed this so much. This story will always be an all-time favorite! And I'm excited to hear you have another story planned.
John Quest chapter 36 . 4/2
Very good chapter. Thanks.
Number Ten chapter 36 . 3/28
Did CJ come from Descendants? It's been so long since I've read this story that I almost forgot some of the details. Still love it and you did an amazing job. Good luck on your next story
PastOneonta chapter 36 . 3/29
Welcome back and thank you for this final closing chapter. The happiness of children and family and friends is appreciated. Emma and Killian have earned this life, this human life.

Best wishes. If you write for Captain Swan in the future we will be reading.
teamhook chapter 36 . 3/28

ColinsHooker chapter 35 . 5/8/2019
Epilogue please!
Number Ten chapter 35 . 5/4/2019
Now your title makes sense LOL. Nice twist. I'm so sad the story is coming to an end, but an epilogue would be nice. Henry's moment with his sister is heartbreaking, yet so selfless. I'm glad Killian can now remember and their family can mend and grow (literally and figuratively). I loved your story from the beginning and I wish there could have been more elements of your story in the show. I look forward to your future projects
TryingforTrueGrit chapter 35 . 5/5/2019
First off, I was fuming when it was beleived Adi would die without the preservation spell. You had me crying and screaming, and just ugh so many emotions! I hadn't expected for Adi to ever be in that much danger! (I beleive that's called denial.) But the way you described her being saved, with a dual TLK...! Amazing! And that it awoke Killian's memories too! I loved the final underworld scene, esepcially with Zeus's encounter with Killian. The labrynth and the thread being created from Adi because of her parents...Beautiful. And yes please, if you have the inspiration an epilogue would be amazing. I'm curious to see how Emma and Killian dealth with awakening Adi, especially since the little princes was morbidly already in a coffin. Eeck... And the promise of a little brother too! Thank you so much for sharing this epic story! I will certainly be revisiting it as a must read again in the near future. Cheers!
Guest chapter 35 . 5/2/2019
This was so good! Loved how you tied it up and sooo happy Ariadne's ok! Was getting too emotional thinking she had died. Yes please let us have an epilogue! I need to see them all happy and with Killian's memories :)
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