Reviews for Dispelling the Silence
Crossy70 chapter 39 . 6/26
Fab, fab, fab! Enjoyed the mystery and the romance. Still cannot believe it took so long for them to realise a curse was there, but loved it all! Cannot wait to read more of your work. Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 39 . 5/22
Very well written and adorable
RememberMe27 chapter 39 . 3/27
You are a remarkable writer and this was one thrilling worth-while ride. It truly is a gem. Thank you for writing it.
Guest chapter 39 . 12/7/2019
Brilliant read
ConstructiveRomance chapter 39 . 10/5/2019
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this fic today. I'm very surprised it doesn't have more reviews, to be honest. It's quite well-written.

The mystery element was entertaining and I think you paced it relatively well. The curse on Hermione dragged out a chapter or two too long I think. I would have preferred some character building scenes if that makes sense. I think it was apparent from the start there was a curse like that on Hermione, but the interrogation was great to read nonetheless.

Hermione is a bit of a Mary-Sue in this and she still has to be saved!

I would have liked more building on Harry/Hermione relationship. We don't actually have a whole lot of relationship building, making their keenness surprising and harder to understand. Nonetheless, what we did see was extremely charming. I loved your view of them and their interaction was fantastic. I particularly liked the last scene here actually, with the tie and comb joke. Very good.

The first few chapters were fantastic in terms of world building and introducing us to Harry/Hermione. He was so rude! I had mixed feelings about their initial meeting but you definitely developed it well.

LOVE the Sirius/Harry element and how seriously you took his time in Azkaban. I think it's one of the most realistic takes on it.

I'm not so sure some things make sense; Was Hermione a victim of child abuse? Gabrielle was I think we're supposed to infer? Why did her Granpere institutionalise her and why did her parents give him the power to do so?

Draco was great! Loved the running jokes with Sirius, witch weekly, Narcissa. All excellent.

I thoroughly enjoyed the world you built, and would like to see more of it to be honest.

Thank you for writing this :)
iChaos chapter 39 . 8/11/2019
I just finished reading this story again, and it is still absolutely marvelous. The quality of writing is among the best I have seen in a long time and the narrative itself is immensely captivating.
Ruttan chapter 39 . 6/11/2019
I really liked this. I thought it was very sweet. Thank you for writing.
MrsH chapter 39 . 4/9/2019
Found this story after seeing the sequel in a list of completed stories - headed over to read that now.

Glad I found this one, though, as I enjoyed it very much. Loved the interactions between characters, and how familiar characters evolved from canon. Thanks for the great story - eager for the sequel!
moonlily19 chapter 39 . 2/1/2019
That was a wonderful story! I love the originality. I just finished it in one sitting! The characterization was spot on I thought, even within the AU confines. Thank you for putting together such a comprehensive world and plot. Loved it! I’m definitely reading the sequel!
WizardWriting chapter 39 . 1/17/2019
What an incredible ending! Harry's speech to Hermione was wonderfully done, and her response about holding his necktie hostage in exchange for her comb was great. Thank you for sharing your story with us! It was a much-needed escape from the realities of work which have been very stressful as of late. A wonderful story with an equally excellent Harry/Hermione.
WizardWriting chapter 37 . 1/16/2019
I love this! Luna, Hoshimi, Sirius, and Harry pouring over books, notes, and ideas on how to rescue Teddy reminds me of grad school when me and my friends studied late into the night (and the early morning) for midterms and finals. One friend ALWAYS brought popcorn with him! Ah...those were the days. But excellent story so far!
WizardWriting chapter 17 . 1/15/2019
That was bizarre. What was that shadow Harry saw when Hermione entered his office? Why did Hermione suddenly have a nosebleed? And why was Harry's folders scattered across his desk after he had them in a neat pile? Interesting things going on. And great story thus far!
WizardWriting chapter 12 . 1/15/2019
I like your Harry...a lot. His characterization is damn good and his interactions with Hermione are a true delight!
piscean1497 chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
This was very good, well written and with an interesting plot. Your Harry is different, but has obviously has very different life experiences and the characterisation still works. Good work.
lazy-kaa chapter 39 . 8/24/2018
Interesting storry with a lot of emotions. Actually, I like this image of Hermione. Even Ron was fine :) However, he is not fine in most storries. Just thanks for hours of good reading.
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