Reviews for Gone Again
fccbr77 chapter 2 . 6/20
Amazing one. I guess you forgot Beth or are you considering she was already dead by the time they arrived in the Prison.
fccbr77 chapter 1 . 6/20
I love that this is really very interesting. I like the fact that your oc was already ar the Prison when Rick's team arrived. I'm eager to see What's your planning.
Nyac Silver Fang chapter 58 . 9/19/2019
This is a awesome story I love it
Guest chapter 52 . 7/23/2019
I love your book, it’s a very good read, however, if you could do research, just a little bit, on the places that you write about the story would be so much better. I live in Richmond, and was so excited to read about where I live, but there is no bridge in Richmond that leads directly to a massive Walmart. The closest Walmart to the bridge is a little campus one that’s no bigger than a convenience store. And even that one is at least a mile away. Still a great read though.
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 56 . 10/23/2017
Love it
Diehard gamer chapter 2 . 9/9/2017
I been liking the story so far, its pretty good. Some thats been bugging me though who the fuck says futhermore in a casual conversation
Diehard gamer chapter 2 . 9/9/2017
Why the hell did she get rid of all her weapons when shes outnumbered and can be easily overpowered. I get it was a show of good faith I suppose but she could have should sheathed them instead of handing over.
AeslinnArt chapter 56 . 8/26/2017
ALSO Forgot to mention, but my favorite moment in the chapters at the end is when they're entering the city and Aubrey shoot a walker with her bow, and turn to Daryl because she's proud, and then remember that she's supposed to be angry at him. That was so funny because I can imagine his confused face and her being all angry that she did that, I just love this moment! *I'm really going this time bye*
AeslinnArt chapter 56 . 8/26/2017
I read this whole story in like... A day. It was so good. So freaking good. I wasn't the biggest fan of Aubrey in the beginning, because she reminded me of myself (not good with people and all that) but now I love her so so much. I love the fact that this doesn't feel rushed. They don't fall for each other in two chapters, nothing becomes suddenly perfect. She doesn't feel incredibly better about everything because she's in love. I'm still not too sure about her relationship with Olivia. I think you should develop it in the next book (I'll be here to read every single chapter, don't you worry about it) and if you want to make Aubrey suffer killing Olivia after they got really close again is an option. The fact that Lori didn't die in childbirth was a surprise, and I wasn't too happy about it in the beginning, because Rick wouldn't be affected by her death like he was in the show. The story with the Governor was really really nice. The way you put Aubrey in the place of some characters is really good, and I didn't always noticed it! The fact that she knew him, and that she had to protect his wife, was a really nice idea! It also explained why he was so obsessed with her.. Beth is mentioned in a chapter as being Maggie's sister, so that's a bit weird (but it's like, once, so it's okay) At chapter 24 I was super super scared because I didn't wanted her or Daryl to die. I mean, you could have killed one of them and write the second book from the other's point of view. And I was not ready for that kind of pain! (I admit it, I looked at the end, because I needed to take a break before reading it if one of them died..) I really really can't wait for book 2, I'm sure it's gonna be super cool and amazing like this one! *sending live and hugs and cookies as a thank you for this amazing story*
DarkRumplesGirl chapter 23 . 8/23/2017
Oh wow this is such a good story! Can't wait for the second book.
daje22 chapter 56 . 7/6/2017
Girl I need the second book like now! Really enjoyed reading this one. xx
Lady Kimi chapter 12 . 6/16/2017
Not sure why the italisized flashback was repeated, but it's a good story so far xD
galwidanatitud chapter 56 . 6/12/2017
i really hated it when Beth was killed. :P
missy7293 chapter 55 . 5/28/2017
Yes- Team Family has arrived- Please update soon- This is so well written.
missy7293 chapter 54 . 5/28/2017
Oh Dear- Aubrey is in Grady Memorial...with Beth- Very curious to see how this all works out. Daryl needs to get his woman back!
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