Reviews for When in Doubt, Don't
Kaye chapter 4 . 8/9/2019
This is really sweet! I feel like the ending is slightly abrupt and could do with an epilogue or short chapter to finish it out. But it’s very good and I like your take on Emma and Mr Knightley. Still feels very canon even though the events have changed from the book. Great job!
RedStalkingDeath chapter 4 . 6/18/2019
Lovely story! I only wish we could see how people reacted to them
caracoleta07 chapter 4 . 4/3/2019
What a lovely tale
Thank you for writing this
ChrissieA chapter 4 . 11/27/2018
What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for writing it. You captured both characters and their dynamic very well. I would LOVE to read a continuation of this story, but for now I will be content to read your next Emma story.
Strike300 chapter 4 . 11/9/2018
Great story!
etsq chapter 3 . 9/7/2018
i really loved this
R chapter 4 . 3/14/2018
I love how being viewed as a sister to Mr. Knightly (when it was probable the Mr. Knightly that is Isabella's husband was meant) spurs Emma to confess her jealousy and tell all to him. The resolution is all so sweet. Great details about him understanding how she would misinterpret his words, her eyes looking like those of a horse about to bolt, him holding her gently and attempting to soothe her.

I am guessing that the following typos stemmed from writing so quickly and feeling the characters emotions, but as they are rather distracting, I am mentioning them. Please don't take this as a general criticism of your writing. For stories that I don't like, I don't read to the end, and don't usually make the effort to suggest changes to fix typos. The fact that I am doing this here is because I care to have your story be the best it can be, so that even more people can have the bliss of reading it. And I may be mistaken in some of what I believe are typos for having seen some British spellings on words, what may be correct in American English which is what I am applying, may not be correct in British English. Editorial suggestions for Ch. 1: Change "trashing waves" to "crashing waves"; change "closets neighbor" to "closest neighbor"; change "Miss Bates had re-ingratiated Emma into their" to "Miss Bates had reintegrated Emma into her"; change "mind made hast" to "mind made haste"; "attempting out" to "attempting it"; "normally as sign" to "normally a sign"; "has left to London" to "he has left for London"; "accustom to" to "accustomed to"; "time it London" to "time in London"; "Browning's" to "Brownings"; "person that they" to "people that they"; "her applied herself" to "she applied herself." Also, you have a number of sentences that end with a comma instead of a period (this is also true in other chapters).

Editorial suggestions for Ch. 2: change "on what" to "of what"; change "corresponds" to "correspondence" (2x); "said person. They" to "said people. They"; "daring the hope" to "daring to hope"; "any of the party guest" to "any of the party guests". Also, in multiple places you have called the party the Gordon's party, when it should be the Gordons' party (as there is more than one Gordon, it is a husband and wife); you should review when you use apostrophes and when you just use a plural instead (this issue occurs in other chapters)).

Editorial suggestions for Ch. 3: Change "jealous written" to "jealousy written"; "imaginations running" to "imagination running" or "imaginings running"; "laughed out" 2x to "laughed"; "at presence" to "at present"; "she shuttered" to "she shuddered"; "jealous as the notion" to "jealous at the notion".

Editorial suggestions for Ch 4: change "essential matters of the heart" to "essential to matters of the heart"; change "thought that other" to "thought than other"; "river steam" to "river stream"; "to be to connection maker in a social circle, Emma" to "to be the connection-maker in a social circle that Emma"; "something the Mr. Knightly" to "something to Mr. Knightly"; change "a shutter role through involuntarily" to "a shudder rolled through her involuntarily"; change "he promised the hand" to either "he promised and the hand" or "he promised. His hand"; change "my love I would be" to "my love would be"; change "the deal of pain" to either "the pain" or "a great deal of pain".

I feel like this story should have a little epilogue. After all, there is no proposal, no getting permission from her father, wedding, etc. In this story I loved how Emma was able to get her father to bend to come to London, which would be really out of character for him, but you made it work and be believable, so I think it would be sweet to see a moment between him and Mr. Knightly in which he perhaps makes some reference to the fact that he risked his own illness to attend her to London so she will have Mr. Knightly to keep her healthy her whole life by reminding her of the advice helpful advice for their health that he has instructed both of them in over the years or some such.
Shvestaa chapter 4 . 3/3/2018
I loved all the emotion! Well done :)
Guest chapter 4 . 2/28/2018
Very nice. I've enjoyed all your pieces and hope you will consider writing more when you have the time (but don't neglect to keep writing on Death Comes to Hartfield). If you want to attract more readers, you may want to consider doing a short cross-over piece with Pride and Prejudice that is not labeled as a cross-over, and then you can mention in the comments that you have Emma pieces and hopefully some of those readers will read those as well.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/12/2018
Liked it, THX! E from Holland.
Matelia-legwll chapter 4 . 1/6/2018
Quite a good chapter!
Thanks so much for all the effort you put into it!

One typo I wanted to put you on guard against is the difference between "surely" and "surly". The former is a synonym for "certainly" or "for sure." The latter is a synonym for "sullenly," "bad-tempered," or "unfriendly." I'm sure it's just a typo, and I wish you luck in catching future instances of this typo.

Again thank you. I do enjoy your stories quite a lot, and look forward to reading more soon!
theBookishBrunette chapter 3 . 10/29/2017
JUST read again and still loving it. Hoping for an update still! I also hope everything is okay with you. In your last update you mentioned going through a hard time so I am wishing you all the best.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/4/2017
Hoping there's more to this story! Love it
Robinbird79 chapter 3 . 6/23/2017
I have loved this story! I think you've done a good job of imagining what might have happened if he'd stayed in London. I see it's been almost a year since you updated but I do hope you will return to it.
Kassolas chapter 3 . 5/14/2017
I've enjoyed this version of the story and I hope you conclude it someday. :)
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