Reviews for all your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections
clara chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
so amazing ! well done
dashinginconverse chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
Oh wow. This pairing never really crossed my mind at all, but it is *so* good. Your writing just keeps getting better and better. You really paint a picture with your words.

I love how you write AJ, the Southern gentleman, and then Nikki, the bombshell. Two totally opposite people from totally opposite circumstances... just wow. I loved everything about it. The way you brought them together and how you developed their relationship was a thing of beauty.

I can never get enough of your writing, especially when you crank out couples like this. Those odd, off the wall couples are my favorites, and you've done such a good job, as always. Can't wait to read more from you!
YellowSage chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
I've got to admit that Aj and Nikki are a ship I've never thought about. After reading your I shot I e changed my mind about them. I could see how a friendship could cause a relationship between them. I would've loved to see more of how they started talking more and more to each other and when they decided to date but I love this oneshot either way. I really hope you wright more of them and Nikkirose cause they are my OTP. The read the recent oneshot you wrote about them and it was hot and beautiful. Can't wait to hear more from you!
Mrb984 chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
I love this story so much! I want more of nikki and aj its been about two weeks since i read it and i jeep coming back! I love how you write these characters, i want to see more of their life together its a beautiful life for ohr girl nikki she has the man and the family cant wait to read anything else you write, you are very talented!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Dude...Omg...Omg...Oh my god! You did the thing...And you did it spectacularly! It might have taken me all day to read this masterpiece but I finally finished it (Well day and night) and I'm so glad I did! I was able to savor it piece by piece. This was good...No, this was beyond good! I wasn't sure how Nikki and AJ would work out till I was able to read them and boy am I ever glad you brought this pairing to life. I envy how you make all the couples work. I don't think there's a couple yet that hasn't passed the almighty Gina talent! Girl...just wow. And then again, you got another personality down perfect. I can just picture AJ with his southern drawl saying things like dag nabbit (Ok, maybe not that one) and everything else you wrote in here and that's sexy as shit. Like damn..let a southern cowboy whisper their words into my ears please? Fuck. And he's so in love with Nikki it's just...I wanna squeal. And she is so in love with him and his family and she has everything we know that girl wants and then some. I can't help but wonder...will she have a little mini NikJ in the future? I mean can you just imagine? Either way they're already the perfect family and it couldn't be any sweeter and I couldn't be happier like I know Nikki is. God man..I am in awe of your writing lady. They are so adorable yet sexy...And I love the differences between her high posh life with John to her family and fun life with AJ and the kids. The way you did that was just...oh, it was beautiful. Dude...I need to spend way more time on your stories than I do. If everything I have read and reviewed and favorited so far is always like this...

God I'm so happy she got in good with AJ's boys, that they respect her and dude..don't even get me started on AJ getting a bit protective/possessive over her when naming off names of guys she could potentially be with. And John...that asshole...To hurt that woman like that! I mean really! But she got a measure of revenge (proud of you girl) and she let him know what's what. Yeah John, you're're nothing. Move along.

God I love your stuff woman! And I love Nikki and love her and AJ. I must have more of your wonderful works! I gotta have it! Can't wait to see everything...I mean *everything* your talented heart and mind come up with. God damn.