Reviews for The Long Road Home
Guest chapter 67 . 4/24
I really liked this story i read the other related story honestly i think ill miss the high amount of chapter and seemingly endless chapters that this story has im a bit disappointed since i kinda wanted to see more about rin i really liked amy's background in this "series" i wonder if amy will ever tell sonic about her it will come up sometime since amy isnt strong and with a hammer anymore but i guess we will never know
Fluffle star chapter 67 . 3/6
Holy hell this story and its prequel were the biggest emotional roller coasters I have ever read in my 6 years of reading fanfiction. This is amazing and I love all the detail, foreshadowing, and plot points you put into every bit. This story was so captivating I read these two works back to back nonstop all day they were just that good. Everytime I got to the end of a chapter I was dieing to know what happened next. Your skill is incredible and I love it!
Detta chapter 67 . 2/28
It's finally here, this ending definitely nailed all the closures it needed to show. Congrats you guys! Reading this truly made me joyful that even elicited a few loud laughs out of my mouth which got me weird looks from my little brother as it was all peaceful in the living room, but I have no regrets as it was really satisying that this is how it all ends for this story.
And maybe a few years before I would've been shocked and furious learning that you now plan to retire on making a sequel on this fic, but now I completely understand. Not just from reading this chapter, since about halfway reading I'm already getting signals that I'm heading for the end of the line, but also that I've found other things of interest during that time and college is gradually eating up all of my time at this point. I still read Fanfiction but not as much as frequent like before, like this chapter that I almost forgot updated 2 weeks ago. Moreover, I have dwindling interest in the Sonic univ now but will remain one of my favorites, now I'm seeking stories on new animated show releases, with the top being The Dragon Prince, though there's not much variety in its fanfics as of now so I busy my time with the theories and reviews of the show.
I wish you two luck on your careers and in the hopes you do make an animated show about Sonic, do you mind if you use their Western character design like in Sonic Boom, but you know, minus the crappy dialogue and cringeworthy stories overall. For me those redesigns were awesome its just that the new arcs given to them were terrible. Anyhow, thank you so much for writing brilliant Sonic world stories and permitting others to continue the story in their views, I hope many would be able to capture the awesome writing you two did for these characters.
HDDNeptuneFTW chapter 67 . 2/22
I’m so happy with this ending I could cry. You two did a fantastic job with this story. Thank you so much for your hard work!
ShazyWrites chapter 67 . 2/21
Hey Era, Halo, I LOVE THIS! It must have been a hell of a ride for both of you, and it's all worth it! And since you have given the green light for fan-sequels and such... That means I can write that "The Broken Home" AU, right? Has anyone done it?... No?

THEN I SHALL TAKE THE LIBERTY OF WRITING ITTTTscrambles to get a pencil and a notepadJust kidding, if anyone else is writing it then go on ahead, we can all make our own "Broken Home" AUs XD)

ANYWAY. Do you mind if I extend this MFH/ TLRH AU? Like, giving it another sequel and such? (besides, you DID say that Robotnik and Eggman are two different people, sooooooo... NEW VILLAIN! XD Oops that was a spoiler) I'm tempted to write one hshshshhsh

Doesn't mean I'll actually work on it! I can't guarantee that it'll be finished, most of my old books from 2017-2018 were discontinued and ever since those days I never actually tried to write an actual book, I mostly go for one-shots. So, if I ever write the sequel please don't go too hard on me TwT

Thanks for the awesome book, Era and Halo! I'll sure miss this. LONG LIVE TLRH!

-ShazyWrites, previously ShazPLUS
Cytisus chapter 67 . 2/19
I love that this wasn't an ending where all the loose ends are tied up into a perfect bow. There are still flashes and nightmares, sibling jealousy, and nearly all of them are trying to adapt to a new way of life. And yet, it's still a great way to end it, because life is pretty much nonstop in that fashion, and you gave closure where it counts :) Best of luck to you two in all your future endeavors!
Autumn chapter 67 . 2/15
Awesome ending to this awesome story! I had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas, thanks for asking :)
ShadAmy1Fan - Shylah McVey chapter 67 . 2/15
You guys... there are no words. *hugs baby sonic plushie* I loved it. It was everything it needed to be. You guys are amazing writers, and I wish you the absolute best in your lives. I know I can’t say enough about this so I hope you just accept my sincerest emotions in being so immensely thankful that this story exists. It was honestly, truly...perfect.

Also the sonic movie was amazing imo. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Good luck in life guys ) and thank you for your amazing contribution to the sonic fanfiction community! This is one of the best stories out there...and I highly doubt it’ll be shown up any time soon. You can leave knowing you’ve done your best, and it was amazing.
tailsBOOM1992 chapter 67 . 2/15
This was great. I know you say you don't plan on returning, but if you ever do I'll be sure to read
UltimateCCC chapter 67 . 2/15
All's well that end well.
AStoryTellerBook chapter 67 . 2/15
Thank you for the story and Farewell!
StarlightSparks chapter 67 . 2/15
Thanks again for the ride. This was definitely epic :)
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 67 . 2/15
I love this epilogue! Seeing how everyone has ideas about what they want to do in the future or already fulfilling their dream like Amy did with her diner. Plus FINALLY Sonic gets to LEGALLY adopt Tails! Seeing Sonic with those papers in hand was my favorite part! And Sonic seeing the picture of his parents was a great way to end it.

While I am sad we won't see the sequel to this I completely understand why as life outside the site should come first. I wish the both of you the best on your future and dreams. Thank you both for the two of the best Sonic stories I've ever read.
NeckBreak chapter 67 . 2/15
KrazyCat6167 chapter 67 . 2/15
*ahem* ...aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! It’s so cute and just nice to see them getting some semblance of normalcy back. Of course, not everything is all good again, but that’s to be expected after what they’ve all been through. And just, I just really love this story okay? I was so close to crying at the end, still am honestly. You two have done an awesome job with this and every chapter was worth the wait. I wish you the best of luck with your future projects/education/ general life stuff! (And as a random aside, you should have seen my face when I read that halo is aj-illustrated. Been following that account on tumblr for awhile and am really enjoying Consequences so far!) Thank you for sharing this story with us and for working so hard at it!
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