Reviews for Stark's Legacy
Guest chapter 48 . 6/9
I reviewed a while ago
I’m begging you to update
This is amazing
Kateint14 chapter 48 . 5/4
I love this story! I just spent 12 hours straight reading it. Too bad it's been 2 years since you updated :(
Guest chapter 48 . 5/2
Hey this was amazing! Just wondering when your going to update...
Agent-of-SPOOF chapter 48 . 4/26
Please, you need to continue this story. I just spent the last 24 hours reading this because it was so good. I've only gotten around 6 hours of sleep reading this. I want you to continue this, no everyone else and I NEED you to continue this.
CharmingsDaughter chapter 48 . 1/21
Pleas come come back to this story! I just spent two days (and most sleep) because I had to know what was next!
Presillious chapter 46 . 12/16/2019
when will you update again i really like this book
TegamiBachi25 chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
Perona wouldn’t even know criticism if it hit him in the face. Perona is acting like a blind fanboy instead of taking the criticisms and accepting them to improve writing.

This story isn’t bad however, author San, don’t take it the wrong way. Perona is just being blind and intentionally oblivious and ignorant
Guest chapter 2 . 5/30/2019
Eh, a kid with a high IQ that survived parental abuse - and then living on the road for months - would have more emotional control in every day situations like this.
You can't survive at home if you don't.
This kid acts more like a standard kid that isn't bright at all.
Hippolover06 chapter 48 . 5/25/2019
Where’s the rest!?
Kailstormfire chapter 12 . 5/9/2019
This is excellent writing Sir, just one tiny detail is off. In Age of Ulton, the medical doctor is Margaret Cho, not Jane Foster.
Guest chapter 48 . 3/31/2019
I've just read through this whole thing, took my a few days, and it was pretty engaging for most of it. Your writing is more competent than most other fic I've seen (at least in this fandom), and I liked a lot of the ideas and themes you have in this fic. Not a lot of people would attempt to cover dark themes such as torture, death, and abuse like you would, and its not done in such a cliche way as I've seen previously, which is great.


I will say that I find parts of the story unbelievable, or really pushing my suspension of disbelief. You want to give Holly agency, a superhero arc, but I genuinely don't think she is ready for that yet. You stress her recovery from her various traumas and its clear she is still working through it. Because of that, her powers, and her age, she just seems too young to be diving into the same world of vigilante hero work as everyone else.

But the worst part for me is this: The collective reaction of all the adults in this fic, where they are completely oblivious to actively enabling Holly's dangerous and unhealthy behaviors (aka the superhero stuff), is absolutely appalling. I cannot believe any of them, especially the Avengers, would allow this situation to happen. Their attitude, as you have written it, is a perfect argument for why something like the Sokovia Accords needs to be made law. Holly needs proper oversight and she receives exactly 0%.
RavenclawsJedi chapter 8 . 3/16/2019
Yesss... Super soldier holly will be AMAZING! I love this fic so much! Fantastic job!
Ana chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Hope everything is ok and you update soon!
Guest chapter 26 . 8/23/2018
Is it just me, but I found it really trippy when Holly’s fake ID says that she is born on the 13th July 2001. I was born on the 14th July 1999.
Xoxo122124 chapter 48 . 7/6/2018
can't wait for more!
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