Reviews for Jade & Sapphire
Guest chapter 38 . 6/8
Pls make more love it
Vigorous Emperor chapter 38 . 4/8
Okay, I do not know that the current Attack Titan holder has a tendency for vampiric foreplay lmao. Joking aside this is a very solid chapter, and as always, you can cut the tension between these two characters like a knife cutting through butter. And I love every single second of them bickering between each other. Nice work, and look forward to your updates.
Gabriel1901 chapter 38 . 4/4
Es bueno verte de nuevo por aca con otra nueva historia.
Como nos tienes acostumbrado, la lectura es increĆ­ble.
Lucadina chapter 37 . 2/9
omg I love this so much! There's something about it that smarts; I think it's the way you wrote Eren as having the 'power' in this situation but also not bugging out on it. He does hurt her, but it feels like he does so as part of what he thinks is the 'righteous' thing to do. And even though they're on opposite teams here, they still retain that level of trust: Eren wants to see Annie on his own, and Annie doesn't tell the others about their meeting.

I really like their dynamic here, and its impact stuck with me for a long while after reading. Thank you for writing this!
Gabriel1901 chapter 37 . 2/7
Es una gran noticia verte trabajar de nuevo :)
Facing Fear chapter 36 . 11/30/2019
Fun little chapter, love it. And with that, I'm all caught up and waiting with anticipation for the next chapters. Keep up the excellent writing!
Facing Fear chapter 35 . 11/30/2019
Definitely felt the angst there, I love your writing style. And I must say, starting from chapter one to now, there's definitely an evolution to your writing, and it gets better in terms of narrative and flow.
Facing Fear chapter 34 . 11/30/2019
That betrayal *hurt*, and it was well-written, making the impact even harder. I have to say "Waver" is definitely one of my favourites.
Facing Fear chapter 33 . 11/30/2019
Love Eren's quiet intensity here, captures his changes very well, illustrates how everything he does is with cold calculation. But Annie is the same, and the final chapter feels like it's going to be a delicate and deadly dance.
Facing Fear chapter 32 . 11/30/2019
Nice build up for the final part of the series.
Facing Fear chapter 31 . 11/30/2019
Great chapter, interaction between time-skip Eren and Annie are well-written, I like this portrayal better than "Fathers". They're still both great though.
Facing Fear chapter 30 . 11/29/2019
This second part has less despair but it's still very bitter, it almost felt like Eren having Alzheimer's and being fully aware of that fact. It's heartbreaking and well-written.
Facing Fear chapter 29 . 11/29/2019
This chapter felt bleak, dark. It's well-written but the content just feels full of despair, which is good I suppose, since that's what you're going for.
Facing Fear chapter 28 . 11/29/2019
Heat and this are definitely my favourites. Great chapter as usual, and your portrayal of Levi is top notch, haha. I don't think I've seen Levi in many of your stories, but you captured his character here.
Facing Fear chapter 27 . 11/29/2019
Short and sweet, you mentioned once that the manga said his eyes were grey (or was that just the way he was drawn?), yet I've always been under the impression that they were green. Need to look into it.
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